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认识各色各样的狗和三教九流的人,会使生活更加趣味盍然。Understand that diversity in dogs, as well as in people, make life more intersting.

认识各色各样的狗和三教九流的人,会使生活更加趣味盎然。Understand that diversity in dogs, as well as in people, makes life more interesting.

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三教九流、各色人等都被偷过,从普通民众,到银行家,到大公司老板都是受害者。Individuals have been victimized at every level, from the average Joe, to the banks, to big companies.

一旦你深陷其中,就永不翻身,将受社会、网络上的三教九流要挟。Once you have it, it’s never coming off, and you will get blackballed from many societies and networks.

一个人不能自卑,千万不要三教九流地划分什么层次,并把自己归为某个层次来限制自己的能量。One can not value self below others, not to regard himself as some kind of loser and set limitation for himself.

其用途遍及三教九流,已成为一种正宗的主要的用于庆贺、吊挽、装饰的社会生活应用文。Its use throughout the belief systems, has become a key for authentic celebration, hanging harness, decorative, practical writing social life.

该行动也吸引三教九流的战士,不只有目不识丁的牧人,还有大学生、救援工作者,甚至像哈利尔这种和平主义者。It has also attracted a wide variety of fighters – not only illiterate herdsmen but also college students, aid workers, even former pacifists like Mr.

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三圣殿里供奉的应该是三教九流里三教的开创者,即佛、道、儒教的开创者释迦牟尼、老子和孔子。Triple Saints's statu shall be the three founder of three religions in China, that's Sakyamuni of Buhdism, Laozi of Daoism and Confucious of Respectism.

该行动也吸引三教九流的战士,不只有目不识丁的牧人,还有大学生、救援工作者,甚至像哈利尔这种和平主义者。It has also attracted a wide variety of fighters – not only illiterate herdsmen but also college students, aid workers, even former pacifists like Mr. Halil.

一家酒店既要接受良莠不齐的员工,又要容纳来自东南西北、五湖四海三教九流的客人。A cabaret since want to accept to be uneven of employee, and then want to accept to come from a southeast a northwest, five guest of the whole world people of all ways of lifes in lakes.