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没有发现形变诱发马氏体相。No deformation martensite phase was discovered.

光纤振动时必然导致光纤的弯曲和形变。Vibrating optical fiber will bend and be deformed.

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形变带长约42公里,宽约8公里,垂直位错量1—2米。The deformation band is about 42 km long, 8km wide.

这表明两者的结果在形变方向上是一致的。It shows that the deformation directions of them are identical.

形变符合弹性回跳模型。The rule of deformation coincided with model of elastic rebound.

岩石圈形变是各种力源综合作用的结果。The deformation of lithosphere results from several force sources.

形变,摩擦,潮汐作用等等。And so there is deformation,friction effects,tidal effects and so on.

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社会、凤凰和孟泰格,三个的意像一起交错纠缠形变。The metamorphosis of society, the Phoenix, and Montag are intertwined.

硬度是材料抵抗局部塑性形变的量度。Hardness is a measure of the resistance to localize plastic deformation.

提出一种用于实时弹性形变模拟的弹簧振子模型。A mass-spring model is proposed for real-time elastic deformable modeling.

地球,月球和所有东西,都是可以发生形变。Well the truth is the earth,the moon and everything is slightly deformable.

“鸟类总在持续变形,且这种形变发生在不同层面,”他说。“Birds are constantly morphing, and morphing on different levels,” he said.

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从理论上讲,弯曲和形变都会增大光纤的传输损耗。Theoretically bend and deformation increase transmission losses in the fiber.

讨论了合金的双程记忆效应与异常形变现象。Two-way memory effect and the abnormal deformation phenomenon were discussed.

由此,推导出立轴柱形变螺距螺旋开沟机的临界转速。Thus, Calculating the critical rotational speed of the helix ditching machine.

随轧制方向不同,孪晶在形变中的行为也不同。Twin lamellae will be deformed differently when rolling in different direction.

屈服强度是指塑性形变开始发生时的应力。Yielding strength is indicative of the stress at which plastic deformation begins.

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从涂层到基体出现了由表及里呈衰减趋势的形变现象。The deforming hardened degree attenuated from outside to inner of the coat and base.

确实,敲肩拱的应用,不但使桥形变得更加优美。Indisputably, the application of open spandrel design makes the bridge more exquisite.

而且,此一方法可由密钥的设定来控制由于置入浮水印所产生形变的大小。Our method can control the average distortion by the keys used in watermark embedding.