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这绝不可能是机缘巧合。This is no chance coincidence.

命运,到底是讲机缘、「整定」,还是计选择?Is destiny a matter of chance or choice?

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你莫非不应该给我们一个考试考试的机缘吗?。Oughtn't you to give us a chance to try ?

只须努力事业而有志向,机缘迟早终会惠临。Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work.

可机缘巧合,他无意,却和她坐的很近。But by accident, he accidentally, but with her sit close.

我们难道不应该给他一次机缘再试一试吗?。Oughtn't we to give him to try as being soon as being more?

就这样,机缘巧合的,我就当上了新闻主播。Then one thing led to another and now I am a news anchor myself.

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是什麽样的机缘使你在台湾及中国成为普受欢迎的诗人?Through what chain of events did you become a popular poet in China?

能够有机缘值遇我为上师,实在是很珍贵的。To have the opportunity to encounter me as a Guru is truly precious.

同样机缘巧合的是王小虎遇上了同父异母的兄长—王小龙。Also by chance he meets his brother Dragon Wong whom he's never seen before.

南开能够顺利开展边疆研究计划,确乎是个机缘。Nankai can smoothly carry out frontier research projects, to indeed be a luck.

这种机缘巧合在美国历史上是绝无仅有,不可能被复制了。Such serendipity is anomalous in American history, and unlikely to be repeated.

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我们生命中遇到的每一个人都是一种机缘巧合,是一个独一无二的邂逅。Each person that we meet in life is a chance coincidence , and a unique encounter.

你的生命绝非出于偶然、机缘、命运或运气,而是一个总体计划。Your life is not a result of random chance, fate, or luck. There is a master plan.

生命是一场短途游览,在旅途上有应战和机缘。Life is a long journey, challenges keep pace with opportunites during this journey.

他们因战争机缘走在一起,在浙东地区形成一个以宜孙为中心的交游圈。They gathered together because of wars, and formed a Yisun-centered circle of friends.

机缘。巧合。筑造的便是一场场宿命难舍难分的纠葛。Opportunity. Coincidence. Building is a field of destiny find it difficult to tear apart.

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这两方面的原因促成了异质空间、乌托邦与都市文化批评之间的机缘。So it's possible and effective to study city spaces with method of Heterotopia and Utopia.

机缘巧合,舒克认识了贝塔,两只小老鼠不打不相识,很快成为了好朋友!By chance, Polishchuk know beta, two mice discord no concord, and soon became good friends!

对有些人来讲,坚苦是放弃的借口,而对别的一部分人来讲,坚苦是成长强大年夜的机缘。To some, an obstacle is an excuse to quit. To others it is an opportunity to grow stronger.