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我们认为这是掌握二十一世纪军务的关键。We think that that’s the key to the mastery of 21st-century military affairs.

让传统军务信息化,已经成为了一个迫切需要实现的目标。Making tradition military affair informational, it is aim which exigent require implement.

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1991年冷战的结束,为全球或地区性的军控与裁军创造了良好的环境,但在东南亚却出现了扩充军务的“逆裁军”。The end of Cold War in 1991 created gook environment for global or regional arms control and disarmament.

在军队信息化建设过程中,电子军务的实现是至关重要的。The realization of electronic military is of great importance in the construction of military informatization.

他又追问,孔子说,“仲由这个人,如果有一千辆兵车的国家,可让他去管理军务。"When he asked again, the Master said, "Zi-lu is one who, in a thousand-chariot state, may be engaged to command its army.

西花园则成为国民政府主计处、军令部,总统府军务局、首都卫戍总司令部。West Garden has become DGBAS national government, military, military affairs bureau presidential palace in the capital garrison headquarters.

此外,由于环境闭塞、军务繁杂,老兵们承受的压力很大,于是一些老兵就拿新兵出气,以发泄心中的郁闷。In addition, ambient occlusion, complex military affairs, veterans who bear a lot of pressure, so some of the veterans took recruits outlet to vent their feelings.

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工作流管理技术可以实现工作流过程逻辑和应用逻辑的分离,对于电子军务具有一定适用性。Workflow management technology has some applicability for military affairs, because it could separate the workflow process logic from application logic separation.

这条整整齐齐大理石长城长约2公里,每块石重约千斤,为著名将领戚继光主持北边军务时所增修。The Great Wall of neat marble about two kilometers, each weighing about heavy rock, to the famous general Qi presided over by the amendment when the north side of military affairs.

过了五分钟,侍从武官走回来,他特别恭敬地弯腰鞠躬,让安德烈公爵在前面走,带领他穿过走廊进入军务倥偬的军政大臣的办公室。Five minutes later the adjutant returned, and with marked courtesy, bowing and ushering Prince Andrey before him, he led him across the corridor to the private room of the war minister.

他查看了一个教室,一个寝室,一个澡堂和其他的地方,并且深切关怀士兵服务,之后他有会见了正在接受训练的军务人员。He watched the servicemen of the company in training before looking round an education room, a bedroom, wash-cum-bath house and other places to take deep care of their service and living.

这种努力是北京努力为21世纪军事和关系到其自身军务变革的空天防务扇区而重振雄风的象征。The effort is emblematic of Beijing's efforts to recast its capabilities for the 21st century as its military and associated defense-aerospace sector undergoes its own revolution in military affairs.

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在彼得雷乌斯将军主持阿富汗军务的时间里,北约部队曾有过增兵行动,成功的将塔利班的战斗力降至最低,并使他们无法再控制某些地区。During the period of General Petraeus' command in Afghanistan, there was a "surge" of NATO forces that succeeded in marginalizing the Taliban on the battlefield, denying them control of certain areas.

据说高卢民族被分成了三个部分,现在,这些住在法国的人怎么了,他们眼中的三个部分是司法部,军务部,还有内务部And,that where someone once said that Gaul was divided into three parts, now what happens is people living in any region in France, the three parts that they see are the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of War, and the Ministry of the Interior.