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但是,毕竟这场战争显然是一场热战。But this one is, after all, distinctly a hot war.

战争,无论是冷战、热战还是温战,都不再被人们所接受。War is no longer accepted, be it cold, hot or warm.

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我也是。我喜好气候热战的天圆。I do, too. I like places where the weather is always warm.

核武器帮助防止冷战变热战。Nuclear weapons helped prevent the Cold War from turning hot.

你将创造同样的意识形态战争——冷战和热战。And you will create the same ideological wars, both cold and hot.

越南战争是冷战大背景下的一场热战。The Vietnam War was one of hot wars under the Cold War background.

令我好奇的是网络冷战能否引起现实中的热战?Makes me wonder if an internet cold war could potentiall¬y lead to a real time land war.

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在最近的将来,没人真正希望双方立即爆发热战。Nobody really expects the outbreak of a hot war between the two sides in the near future.

中国知道,如果发生热战,他们的海军部队将受到严重的打击。China knows if it came down to a shooting war their naval forces would get severely mauled.

把中国人和狗等同起来的人是真正的优雅的家伙。保持这种说法将使我们陷入一场你从未知道的热战中。Equating the Chinese to dogs is real classy guys. Keep this up and you'll have us in a shooting war before you know it.

亚马逊在电子阅读器产品上领先,苹果和谷歌则在智能手机和平板设备等移动平台上热战.While Amazon is the leading e-reader maker, Apple and Google are competing on mobile platforms like smartphones and tablet devices.

越南和中国是一对老朋友,在反对帝国主义的长期的热战冷战中建立了非常深厚的同志加友谊关系,唇齿相依。Vietnam and China were buddies before and that friendship was tested and strengthened by cold war turbulence, becoming dependent on each other.

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越南战争是冷战过程中及朝鲜战争后的又一场“热战”,是美国外交史上的一大悲剧。The Vietnam War, which is a terrible tragedy in American diplomatic history, is another hot war after the Korean War during the cold war period.

印度估计成为新的北极,是以临远印度的省分会有极热战挣扎当敝象产死,便像目下现古的减拿除夜北部和西伯利亚所做一样。India is expected to be the new S Pole, and thus provinces in China near India will freeze and struggle, as northern Canada and Siberia do today.

我不认为我们美国处在围堵中国海路、遏制中国的位置,除非我们想与他发生热战,最近我们断了任何航线吗?And I don't think we are in a position to block Chinese access to sea lanes unless we want a hot war. Have we interdicte¬d any trade routes of late?

一种战争是是热战,它通常考验我们的勇气,意志力,爱国心和战略,这类战争是我们所擅长的。There are shooting wars—the kind that test our mettle and our patriotism and our resourcefulness and our courage—and those are the kind at which we excel.

“热战”、“冷战”与“冷和”则是美国基于国内经济与社会发展而对全球扩张的依序相循的三段路径。The "hot war", "cold war" and the "cold peace" are three sequential paths towards American global expansion based upon the domestic economic and social development.

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许多观察家预言,给20世纪留下巨大伤疤的热战和冷战将越来越少见,和平和繁荣将成为主流。Many observers predicted that in the 20th century left a huge scar in the hot war and cold war will become increasingly rare, peace and prosperity will become the mainstream.

朝鲜战争虽然不能与两次世界大战相提并论,但却是冷战期间发生的第一场热战,也是东西方之间最严重的冲突之一。Though incomparable in scale with the two world wars, the Korean War was the first hot war during the cold-war period, and was also one of the severest conflicts between the East and the West.

如果说20世纪是热战冷战交替、两极相互对立的世纪,那么21世纪则应是和平的世纪,合作的世纪,共赢的世纪。If the 20th century was a century defined by incessant hot and cold wars and confrontation between the two blocs, the 21st century should be one defined by peace, cooperation and win-win outcomes.