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针脚很匀。The stitches are neat.

她用粗针脚把褶子都缝住了。She tacked the pleats down.

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包边缝用覆于其上的长针脚缝纫…To sew with long, overlying stitches.

当她干针线活时,她的针脚总是弄的很长。When she sewed she made long stitches.

她做针线活时针脚很大。When she sews she makes long stitches.

她先用粗针脚缝上袖子,然后再细细缝好。She tacked the sleeves on and sew them up.

一个针脚破了,布料的强度就会减弱。When one stitch frays, the fabric is weakened.

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用回形针将锁里的针脚一个一个地挑起来。One at a time, push each pin up with the paperclip.

婴儿衫的褶裥打得针脚细密,很漂亮。The baby's dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches.

而当大部分的针脚都破了时,这块布料也就完全解体了。And when most of the stitches fray, the fabric disintegrates.

这种式样的针脚掉了,要想补上是很困难的。It's very difficult to pick up dropped stitches in this pattern.

最先开启离你最远的一个针脚,然后再移到下一个。Start with the pin furthest away from you—then move on to the next.

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想让旧底边上的针脚消失,变得更好看些吗?Want to make those needle marks from an old hemline disappear for good?

试着感觉针脚到达它“解锁”位子的时刻。Try to feel for the moment when the pin reaches its “unlocked” position.

我低头望着手里缝好的针脚,我可以感觉到他正看着我。I kept my eyes on the stitches I had made. I could feel him looking at me.

衣服已经被清洗、熨烫好,衣服破损处有人用细密、精巧的针脚缝补好了。They had been washed and pressed and mended with tiny, exquisite stitching.

假缝,疏缝用大的长针脚疏缝,以使之暂时缝合。To sew loosely with large running stitches so as to hold together temporarily.

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针脚里的铜溶解之后与金分离,金沉淀在电解池底部。The gold, detached from the copper, forms a sediment at the bottom of the cell.

我对制鞋是了解一些的,从鞋样和针脚上我能看出质量的高低。I know a bit about shoes and I can see the quality in the shaping and stitching.

针脚放在篮子形状的阳极里。The pins are placed in the copper anode, which we’ve formed into a basket shape.