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全天参观寒泉小学。Day at Cold Spring School.

其中一家全天放映卡通片。One theater shows cartoons all day.

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呀哟!全天办事了。现在就去睡觉。Phew! What a long day! Time for bed.

全天在斯蒂辛山高中活动。Day at Stissing Mountain High School.

蟠木为我身,始得全天年。Pan wood for me, and may only day year.

全天舒适的气垫EVA鞋垫。Cushioned EVA Footbed for all-day comfort.

更有全天房80元抵用券1张超值赠送!More room 80 yuan coupon value 1 piece gift!

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为什么不呢?你可以准备一个全天活动。Why not?Youcan even plan an all-day activity.

气垫EVA鞋垫确保全天舒适。Cushioned EVA footbed ensures all-day comfort.

全天舒适的气垫真皮鞋垫。Cushioned leather footbed for all-day comfort.

酒吧则全天为您提供松饼和硬面包圈。Beer and cocktails are served in the hotel bar.

我是华顿全天美语班教师。I am an All-day English teacher at Walton School.

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在熟食店,蛋挞全天有售。Tarts were available throughout the day in the deli.

我在我们全天待在水上公园的经历中得到了什么?What did I get from our all-day stay at the water park?

全天帮助热线1-800-272-3900。Call the 1-800-272-3900 hotline for help 24 hours a day.

我乐于教全天美语班有很多原因。I have enjoyed teaching All-day English for many reasons.

皮革衬里和垫鞋垫全天支持。Leather lining and cushioned footbed for all-day support.

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轻轻地垫鞋垫是一定要提供全天舒适。Lightly cushioned footbed is sure to provide all-day comfort.

气垫真皮鞋垫足弓支撑全天舒适。Cushioned leather footbed with arch support for all-day comfort.

适应于高速公路全天侯连续工作。It is suitable for all-weather continuous operation of freeways.