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我们在这个会议中穿清一色的的色工作装。We are wearing white outfits in the meeting.

曾经有一段时间,我的衣柜里是清一色的黑色。There was a time when the only color in my closet was black.

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在古典童话里,继母几乎是清一色的坏蛋。In classical fairy tales, step-mothers always play an evil role.

歌声是女音,但实际上是出自一群清一色的男生嗓子。A female singing voice, but in fact came from a group of all-boys voice.

在芬兰,极少有中学生晚上做家庭作业超过半个小时,没有清一色的校服,没有招贤纳士的社团,没有衣着光鲜的学生代表,也没有烦人的迟到铃,更没有天才特训班。High-school students here rarely get more than a half-hour of homework a night.

这列车以清一色的女乘务员著称,它的车厢内到处是滑雪运动员和商人。It boasted stewardesses, and its carriages were packed with skiers and businessmen.

现今领导群伦的都是清一色奉西方为圭臬的年轻人。Leading the effort today are Western-oriented leaders who are almost uniformly young.

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他们清一色圣殿骑士的穿着打扮,还戴着面具,人们顿时惊慌失措、乱作一团。They all-Knights Templar of dress, but also wearing a mask, people heading to tangle.

在中国境内,这条公路是清一色的柏油路,只是偶尔有山石滚落损坏了公路。In China the road was a pristine strip of asphalt, scarred only by the occasional rockfall.

这便是近期各地“地王”的创造者清一色都是上市公司的原因所在。This is all over the recent "to Wang, " the creators of all-listed companies are the reason.

宝冢演员清一色是女性。在所有的演出中,她们担纲所有的男女角色。All its members are young girls. They take up both male and female roles in all performances.

提供最佳水禽栖息地,都是清一色的芦苇沼泽地区种植的急诊。Providing the best waterfowl habitat, bulrushes are uniformly planted in the emergent marsh areas.

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在记忆中,斑马军团也曾出现过清一色本土球员夺取欧洲冠军的时刻。It also brings back memories to a time when squads in Europe were really representing their countries.

价廉物美的便捷交通是以后的事了。在此之前,月城和新利恩的居民都以为新加坡月城是清一色的中国人。Before travel became cheap many people in Luna City and Novylen thought that Hong Kong Luna was all Chinee.

为了做这些,他们研究了超过3700对双胞胎,清一色的兄弟双胞胎,年龄在7到10岁之间。To do so, they studied more than 3700 pairs of twins, both identical and fraternal twins, from age seven to ten.

“十九世纪三十年代末漫画书中刚开始出现超人形象时,那些人物清一色的男性”。When superheroes first began to appear in comic books of the late 1930s, the genre was ostensibly an ‘all-boys club.’

那天我超开心,因为所有的美国来学生除了一个中国女留学生之外,其它全是清一色的外国小帅哥。I was very delighted that day, because the students there were all typical U. S. A. cool boys except for a Chinese girl.

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在美国,对于研究生课程来说,没有一所大学在每方面都比其他大学强,或者对于中国学生来说是清一色的“最好”。For graduate education in the US, no one university is wholly better than another or uniformly best for Chinese students.

他在海军服役时,军舰上1199位海员清一色白制服,因为看起来相当赏心悦目,他就喜欢海军和白色。In the navy, lined up on his ship with 1,199 other seamen in pure white, he affected navy and white because it looked nicer.

我们都吃很简单。清一色都是谷麦,像是饼乾或面包。还有把菜园里的烫蔬菜。没有吃过口味那麽浓的炖菜料理。We ate simply there. Whole grains, made into biscuits or bread, and vegetables from the garden, cooked lightly. No heavy stews.