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你现在又像个卖唱的了?So, you're like a rapper now?

街头艺人也到这儿来卖唱。Ballad-singers come and chant here.

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又,别人都以为我是搅局之王。其实,我只不过系个卖唱既遮。I'm just a freak but you are a marvel.

他们的生活来源就是在街头卖唱。Their life is singing in the street source.

那位瞎眼年轻人通过卖唱来谋生。The blind young man makes a living by singing.

所以,嗯,为了卖唱片,我就要把我的音乐上传到网上。And that's why, you know, to sell records as well, I have it online.

没事,因为卖唱片并非Calypso的主要收入来源。That's OK, because selling discs isn't Calypso's main source of income.

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如果你想唱歌,就学学那边那个人吧。在地铁里卖唱。If you want to sing, do what that guy does. Sing on the subway for quarters.

你老是渴望嫁给另一个男人,“卖唱的说,”我听了真气愤。I do not like you to always be wishing for another husband, " said the minstrel ."

他们以捡垃圾、偷东西、要饭、卖唱为生。They make living by collecting garbage, stealing, begging, and singing in the street.

却在地道里被一盲流抢包,结果一个卖唱的男艺人追了上去。But in the tunnel is a blind grab bag, the result of a singing male artist to catch up.

加入北极熊俱乐部或者跟着街头歌手一起卖唱看看会有什么事情发生。Join a polar bear club or sing along with a busker in the streets and see what happens.

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他并没有追问我的泪痕,而是奋力地卖唱,唱的都是一些豪气的歌。He did not ask me to tears, but struggling to sing-song, sing the song are some of verve.

陈浩万般无奈来到过街天桥卖唱,挣房租和生活费。Chen Hao has no alternative come to overpass sing for a living, make chummage and living cost.

我哥哥从上海回来,问我吴江有没有人在这几天有没有人卖唱有关世博的歌,我说没。My brother came back from Shanghai, ask me any person in wujiang, these days about any singing songs, I said the expo.

在大街上看到一个卖唱的女孩,甜美的歌声本应该在舞台上唱起,现在却在施舍的目光中默默歌唱。In the streets to see the girl singing a song, sweet singing on stage, this should now, but in the eyes of silent singing.

瞎子阿炳一直靠在街上卖唱生活,他同黑暗、贫穷斗争了几十年。Blind Ah Bing earned his living by playing music in the streets and struggled with the dark and poor life for several decades.

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“如果杰姆看了我一眼不把我杀死才怪呢,”她自言自语地说,“他会说我是康奈岛游戏场里的卖唱姑娘。“If Jim doesn’t kill me ,” she said to herself,”before he takes a second look at me, he’ll say I like a Coney Island chrus girl.

“假如吉姆看我一眼不把我宰掉的话,”她自言自语,“他定会说我像个科尼岛上合唱队的卖唱姑娘。“If Jim doesn’t kill me,” she said to herself, “before he takes a second look at me, he’ll say I look like a Coney Island chorus girl.

收垃圾、乞讨、偷窃还有卖唱——这些就是上海光鲜繁华的南京路上,那些流浪汉让人难以忘怀的生活。Recycling trash, begging, stealing &singing – these are the unforgettable lives of migrants living on Shanghai’s glittery Nanjing Road.