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那铁链就从他手上脱落下来。And his chains fell off his hands.

那铁链就从他手上脱落下来。And his chains fell off from his hands.

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囚犯行走时,铁链当啷作响。The prisoner's chains clanked as he walked.

对于卧推,我用扳子和很多的铁链与带子。For bench, I use boards and lots of chains and bands.

铰削铁链时铰刀不能歪斜。When reaming iron links, the reamer should not be askew.

链球是一个连接了一根铁链和把手的金属球。The hammer is a metal ball attached to a wire and a handle.

他又试了一次,要把井上的铁链取下来,但是他气力不济。He tried again to unhook the chain of the well, and could not.

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人用脚镣伤他的脚,他被铁链捆拘。They bruised his feet with shackles, his neck was put in irons

沉重的铁锚和铁链被重重的抛在水中。The heavy iron anchor and chain tumbled noisily into the water.

彼得用铁链把他们锁在一起,不说一个字就离开了。St. Peter chains them together and leaves without saying a word.

这声音犹如铁链在兴奋的大笑。This is orotund as if iron fetter at excitement of cachinnation.

他连同相同的劝告一起关于第一个女人用铁链锁住他们。He chains them together with the same admonishment as for the first woman.

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他把半裸的女奴用铁链锁在王座上以供消遣。He kept scantily-clad slave girls chained to his throne for his amusement.

阿武被英雄用铁链锁起来,姿宜等着他来练球,但阿武无法赴约。Ah Wu is chained up by Yingxiong and is not able to meet Ziyi for training.

不管它花多大的气力,都无法挣断铁链,获得自由。Regardless of how hard it tried, it could not break the chain and run free.

然而他和她之间却有着共同犯罪的铁链,不管他还是她都不能打破。Here was the iron link of mutual crime, which neither he nor she could break.

那些坐在黑暗中死荫里的人,被困苦和铁链捆锁Some sat in darkness and the deepest gloom, prisoners suffering in iron chains

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在凌晨时间里,他们砍断了铁链,拖着这艘26英尺长的船跑了。They cut chains and hauled the 26 foot vessel away in the early morning hours.

今天凌晨时分,他们剪断铁链并拖走这艘长26英尺的船。They cut chains and hauled the 26-foot vessel away in the early morning hours.

那么,挣断铁链,我的小船,摆脱羁绊,无畏地冲向你的毁灭吧!Then break your chain, my boat, and be free, and fearlessly rush to your wreck.