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那小姑娘向我使眼色。The lass winked at me.

“我使眼色!”小癞蛤蟆说。"I wink! "said the one.

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他对我使眼色,表示他懂。He gave me a knowing wink.

那个女孩在对我使眼色。That girl is winking at me.

汤姆对我使眼色,表示他懂。Tom gave me a knowing wink.

妹妹扭头对我使眼色。My sister turned to me, winking.

他向所有经过的女孩使眼色。He winks at all the girls who pass.

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别对我使眼色。戴上你的围裙。Don't wink at me. And put on your apron.

我还很肯定她还向她们使眼色。I'm pretty sure she winked at them, too.

也许我应该跟她使眼色引起她注意。Maybe I should wink to get her attention.

如果他向你使眼色的话,你也可以使眼色以示回答。If he winks at you,you may wink back as well.

可以安全进来时,我会向你使眼色的。I'll tip you the wink when it's safe to come in.

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使眼色,你喜欢他为什么不回递眼色呢?If he winds at you, why don't you wink back if you like him?

弗兰克几乎吐出了他的饮料。酒保微笑着向南希使眼色。Frank almost drops his drink. The bartender grins, winks at Nancy.

宣誓结束后,阿尔贝二世亲王向腼腆微笑的新娘使眼色示意。After they exchanged vows, Albert winked at his bride, who smiled shyly.

然后,Lifenaut的软件会将它做成动画,我的脸就可以说话、使眼色和眨眼睛。Lifenaut's software then animates it so my face can speak, wink and blink.

关羽给刘备使眼色,刘备会意,起身告辞。Lord Guan eyed Liu Bei, who sensed his brother's intent and rose to bid Zhou Yu farewell.

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爸爸对我使眼色,让我保密,此时我的心里盛满了对爸爸的爱,超过我曾经认为的。Dad winked at me, confirming his secret, and my heart filled with more love for my father than I thought it could hold!

格利登先生拼命向我使眼色,低声对我说,受雇在大绿洲打井的工程师们最近刚发现了一口埃及自流井。Gliddon winked at me very hard and said, in a low tone, that one had been recently discovered by the engineers employed to bore for water in the Great Oasis.