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一个国家不能闭关自守。A nation can't live isolated.

闭关自守的政策不能引导国家走向繁荣。The close-door policy couldn't steer a country to prosperity.

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闭关自守的经济不会使一个国家富起来。A closed economy will not put a country on the way to prosperity.

长期闭关自守,把中国搞得贫穷落后,愚昧无知。As a consequence, the country declined into poverty and ignorance.

这个闭关自守的党派似乎挑不出一位能获得更广泛选民的代言人。The introverted party looked unable to pick a front-man who impress the wider electorate.

这两位修女如今已搬到邻近一间修女院,留下莉莉安娜修女闭关自守。The two nuns have now moved into a nearby convent leaving Sister Liliana barricaded inside.

随着清朝闭关自守政策的日趋酷严,这种友好的科技交流亦告停顿。This friendly communication interrupted as the Qing Government carried out a closed-door policy.

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存在一种危险就是各国转而闭关自守,因而影响到国际合作。There is a danger that countries will turn inward and as a result international cooperation could falter.

但是,由于近代国家政治腐败,闭关自守,导致了国家国力衰微。However, due to modern state political corruption, closed-door policy has led to declining national strength.

任何人都不应闭关自守,而应面向世界,以探索人们怎样对付日新月异时代的事态发展。Never should a man stay in a closed-door room, you should explore the universe to see how men are coping with the events of changing.

过去实行“闭关自守”政策,结果搞得“民穷财困”。We pursued the policy of “self-seclusion” in the past, resulting in “the destitution of the people and exhaustion of the financial resource”.

但是,每当美国人闭关自守,试图避免接受上述责任,总是发生一些事件,迫使我们重新返回现实。But whenever Americans turned inward, attempting to avoid accepting that responsibility, events intervened and we were summoned back to reality.

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与些同时,清王朝闭关自守,社会停滞不前,阶级矛盾日益尖锐。Meanwhile, the Qing Dynasty kept the country closed to the outside world, the society reached a plateau, and the class contradiction was intensifying.

欧洲自身难保,中国闭关自守,澳大利亚、新西兰和加拿大实力有限,无法承担如此巨大的资金流。Europe is on the verge of disaster, China is closed to outsiders and Australia, New Zealand and Canada are too small to accommodate massive fund flows.

当西方人轰开中国的大门,与之进行贸易和交易活动的时候,就彻底宣告了中国闭关自守时代的结束。It is a thorough break from the country's isolationist past, when the West had to batter down China's doors to trade and to conduct other exchanges with it.

虽然看起来有点儿矛盾,但一个只看电影盲目排外的影评人只能写出闭关自守、目光短浅的文章来。Although this may seem contradictory, the film critic who only watches films to the exclusion of all other pursuits will deliver introverted, myopic reviews.

“在利物浦我过得非常开心,但是在足球领域,你不能总是闭关自守,因为你永远都不会知道下面会发生什么,我没打算离开利物浦,”他接受国家队报采访表示道。"I am happy at Liverpool but in football you cannot close the doors on anything because you don't know what will happen. I do not plan to go, " he told El Pais.

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但是,保守的社会和政治反动势力可能导致一种不很乐观的发展趋势,那就是这些强大的地区采取更加狭隘、闭关自守的发展战略。But reactionary social and political tendencies could lead to a less-optimistic scenario in which these powerful regions forge a narrower, inward-looking strategy.

英国首相布朗跟目前正在瑞士达沃斯举行的世界经济论坛保持一致,他提醒民众,对欧洲各国来说,当前绝不应当是闭关自守的时刻。Keeping abreast of developments at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown warns now is not the time for Europe to look inward.

文化过敏则源于接受语境的过度防御心理和闭关自守的文化部落主义心态。Cultural over-sensitivity comes from the over-defense mentality of and cultural nationalistic idea featured with seclusion from the outside world on the part of the recipients.