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这是复兴昆曲的唯一途径。That’s the only way to revive Kunqu.

中国昆曲是中国戏曲艺术中的一朵奇葩。Kun opera is one of the wonderful arts in China.

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昆曲传人青黄不接,他是其中之一。He is also one of a dwindling breed of Kunqu artists.

许多昆曲演员都记得九十年代的低谷。Many Kunqu performers recall the low points of the 1990s.

在京剧里,我们还可以看到昆曲的影子。So, Kunqu elements are still discernible in Peking Opera.

昆曲的出现,是文人戏曲形成的标志。The emergence of Kunqu symbolizes the formation of literati drama.

第五部分,近现代昆曲教育的回顾与思考。Part five is the review of contemplation on modern Kunqu education.

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戏曲舞台上的关公戏,很多都是唱昆曲的。Most of the roles of Guan Yu on the opera stage are played in Kunqu.

现在各昆曲剧团试图演出有噱头的剧目来争取关注。Now Kunqu troupes are trying to grab attention with provocative shows.

昆曲评为“人类口头和非物质文化遗产”。Kunqu Opera is rated by UNESCO as Oral and Non-material Heritage of Mankind.

昆曲的剧本大都是文人雅士精心创作的文学作品。Each Kunqu play was an exquisite literary work by some lofty-minded literati.

作为一代昆曲大师,沈在杂剧创作方面也有所染指。As a master of Kunqu opera, Shen Jing was also involved in the creation of Zaju.

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但“成也萧何,败也萧何”,昆曲的辉煌与落败都与其特性有关。But "as also Xiao and loser Xiao, " Kun Opera lost all its glory and characteristics.

曲笛为昆曲伴奏的时候,充分体现了自身的优势。When Qu flute accompanies with Kun opera, it fully embodies the advantages of itself.

第三节,对昆曲教育的内容进行分类论述。In the third section, the content of Kunqu opera education is discussed in categories.

从一定角度说,昆曲对锻炼形体的作用不亚于瑜伽和芭蕾。To some extent, Kunqu Opera plays a role in body building no less than yoga and ballet.

好像一夜之间,昆曲又走进了大众的视野,引起社会的关注。Kunqu seems to have come back into public notice overnight, spurring extensive interest.

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朝廷倡导、保护昆曲,并抑制昆、弋以外声腔,江南民间深受这一戏曲文化政策的影响。Besides, it was influenced by cultural policy which was supported and protected by the government.

尽管李佳莲对昆曲和牡丹亭知之甚少,但她还是毫不犹豫地来了。Although Li had little knowledge of Kunqu Opera or Peony Pavilion, she didn't hesitate to watch it.

入团仅仅数月,车毅对于昆曲的喜爱便更上一层楼,他不再仅仅满足于伴奏。His love for Kunqu Opera grew beyond just accompaniment after the first few months of joining the club.