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女人和男人一样喜欢速战速决。Women love quickies as much as men do.

你认为中国人都或多或少采用了速战速决的生活方式吗?Do you think people in China have more or less adopted the quick-fix lifestyle?

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要想彻底打消别人作弊的念头,另一个有效的办法就是速战速决,毫不恋战。To dispel the idea of cheating others, another effective way is quick, not tired.

于是剑雄打算杀了那些村名,以保证战争速战速决。So the sword male plan to kill the villagers, to ensure a quick victory of the war.

他是一位底线攻击型球员,以速战速决著称。Being an aggressive baseliner, he is also known for finishing off his opponents quickly.

身上带着巨大疤痕的人会告诉你,这种速战速决的胶原蛋白硬度比正常组织的高。The quick-fix collagen is stiffer than normal tissue, as anyone with a large scar will tell you.

诚然,速战速决有它的好处,但是对于女性来说,性爱的时间越长,产生的快感就越多。Though quickie sex has its place, for women on the whole, the longer sex takes, the better it feels.

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一般出恭的话,都是速战速决,逃离苍蝇对屁股的骚扰。The word of general go to toilet, it is fast battle quick decision, escape the fly ado to the buttock.

你认为中国人都或多或少采用了速战速决的生活方式吗?Chinesehavemoreor less adopted quickfix lifestyle?I think Chinese have less adopted quickfix lifestyle.

赢的时候走比较容易,我认为大点的资金,加大投注额,快速达到你的目标,速战速决。Relatively easy win when to go, I think the bigger funds, increase bet, quickly reach your goals, quick.

我只要光速飞过去,速战速决,在她发现之前飞走不就行了。I can just fly down there at the speed of light, catch a quickie, and fly away before she knows what happened.

如果可能,我们要速战速决,这里有可以帮助我进球的队员,我的身边都是冠军。We have to win straight away if possible, I have players who can set me up to score, when I look round I see winners.

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封体的“省时”这一特点是对那些喜欢速战速决的朋友是很好的选择。This time-saving feature makes paint sealants an attractive choice for those who like instant gratification, and who doesn't?

毒奶粉事件必须引起重视的一种倾向,是将其作为单一事件进行速战速决的粗略处置。Powdered milk poisoning incident must pay attention to a tendency, that is, as a single event for quick disposal of the rough.

尽管速战速决在夫妻生活中总占有一席之地,但真正的极品性爱必须要伴以迷情的前戏。Quickies are great and have their place in every sexual relationship, however, truly great sex comes from lots and lots of foreplay.

用兵作战贵在速战速决,不宜旷日持久。懂得用兵之道的将帅,是民众生死的掌握者,是国家安危的主宰。And therefore the general who understands war is the controller of his people's fate and the guarantor of the security of the nation.

这位女士一进门就开始解释因为她没车而她男友和小孩又正在外面等她,所以面试必须速战速决。The woman came in and explained that her boyfriend was waiting outside with her child because she didn't have a car and that speed was of the essence.

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在俄国中部,希特勒的目标是占领莫斯科,由于德国人指望速战速决,他们没有准备过冬的补给。In the center of Russia, Hitler's goal was the capture of Moscow. Because the Germans had anticipated a quick victory, they had made no plans for winter supplies.

当局目前规定,投资者购买一个月期央行债券后须持有至少28天,这使得短债对习惯速战速决的投机客而言不那麽有吸引力了.Jakarta now requires buyers of one-month central bank bonds to hold them for at least 28 days, making the short-term debt less attractive to cut-and-run speculators.

我方现场指挥立即下达了速战速决的命令,撤离到100米处,并前往设伏地点增援。Our on-the-spot direction has issued the fighting a battle to force a quick decision order immediately, evacuates to 100 meters place, and goes to the ambush reenforce.