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子宫平滑肌瘤。Uterine fibroids.

平滑塔夫绸衬里。Smooth taffeta lining.

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泰航飞行,平滑如丝。Smooth as silk is Thai.

通过平滑皱纹。By smoothing out wrinkles.

他在平滑的表面上工作。He woks on the even surface.

我知道这个肆意的反义词,就是平滑。The opposite of smooth and flat.

这种纸张手感平滑。This paper is smooth to the touch.

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柔软,平滑甚至皮肤干燥。Softens and smoothes even dry skin.

那张皮比这张平滑。That leather is smoother than this.

它们都有非常平滑的表面。All of them have very smooth surfaces.

平滑扼流圈线圈可以缩小。Smoothing choke coil can be downsized.

他拥有一个平滑的手柄和一个刀片。It has a flat handle and a razor blade.

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软正面照明平滑的形式。Soft frontal lighting smoothes over form.

它可以让你刮起胡子来又平滑又不痛。It makes shaving smoother and less painful.

手指沾水后把边抹平滑。Wet your finger and rub the caulking smooth.

为什么我们能用圆珠笔写字写得这么平滑?Why can we write so smoothly with ball pens?

这是个非常理想的波浪,平滑呈圆柱形。It was an ideal wave, smooth and cylindrical.

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拂其釉面平滑细腻,如同美玉。Brushed its glaze smooth exquisite, like jewels.

曲线平滑,林或登录图形缩放。Curve smoothing, Lin- or Log-scaling for graphs.

还记得雪橇在平滑冰面上的滑行么。So remember the sledge moving over the flat ice.