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你怎么说你是穷鬼啊?Why did you tell me you were poor?

我宁愿死,也不愿做一个穷鬼…I'd rather b dead than a po' nigga.

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我宁愿死也不愿做一个穷鬼…I'd rather be dead than a po' nigga.

乌斯曼却说对穷鬼用鞭子就足够了。Usman said the pauper with a whip is enough.

你们每人可以得到一个头衔――穷鬼。Each oneofyou will be given a title- Pauper Pauper ?

非要等那个可怜的白种穷鬼回来,真是折磨自己啊。Wearing herself out waiting on the poor white trash.

这个死穷鬼连回家的计程车费都不给我。The chintzy sucker wouldn't even give me taxi fare home.

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你奶奶的爸爸不喜欢我这个穷鬼,但我很爱你的奶奶。Grandma's daddy didn't like me none, but I love your Grandma so.

像这样逼咱们穷鬼们干活,真不要脸。"It's something scandalous the way they work us poor devils, " Joe was remarking.

在生涯上的某些处所,她是一个富我,尔是一个穷鬼。So I was a pauper in a part of my life where she had always been wrapped in plenty.

是嫁给穷鬼约翰还是嫁给丑八怪查尔斯,她陷入了进退两难的境地。She was in a dilemma as to whether to marry John, who was poor, or Charles, who was ugly.

看,我们这些穷鬼和小人物,当看到车就会有点激动。See, us thumb-slummers and box-jumpers, we get a little puckish when it comes to cars, you know?

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人们会扔掉破烂的衣服、垃圾和其他脏东西,预示送走穷鬼。To send away him, Chinese people will usually throw away their ragged 1 clothes, rubbish and other dirty things.

一个穷鬼回到他破屋子里,发现他的房门已被人趁他不在时开过了,有时甚至是撬开的。A poor wretch on returning to his attic would find that his door had been opened, sometimes even forced, during his absence.

扑朔迷离的一系列衍生物剧烈爆炸了,早在投资银行可以边打电话之前,就把亿万富豪变成负债亿万的穷鬼。A bewildering array of derivatives exploded violently before investment banks could make margin calls, to turn billionaires into negative billionaires.

因为读书是有钱人做的事,偏偏老师不解风情,弄一帮穷鬼在那儿吆五喝六。Because reading is a rich man to do, however , the teacher didn't care local manners and feelings, even made groups of poor devils to shout there and here.

从另一个方面来说,如果你是一个美国穷鬼,或者你生活在巴西,你更容易认为食用宠物狗是不人道的。On the other hand, if you're a poor US citizen, or you live in Brazil, you're much more likely to moralise and think the dog-chompers should be stopped in their tracks.