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我的名字叫卫华,出生于1995年,我是吴江人。My name is Wei-hua, born in 1995, I was Wujiang people.

吴江万冠纺织有限公司专注于研发“时尚防寒服面料”。The company focuses on developing "fashionable cold-proof fabrics".

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劳驾,吴江实验初级中学怎么走?Excuse me, how can I get to Wujiang Experimental Junior Middle School?

吴江真诚的话终于使得雷锦仪点头同意,在吴江的家中住了下来。Wujiang words of truth finally makes LeiJinYi nod, in wujiang home lived.

吴江让我想起了我成长的地方很多。他们都非常相似。Wujiang reminds me a lot of where I grew up. They are both very similar I think.

吴江是一个伟大的地方,我同意。我喜欢住在你的家乡和探索。Wujiang is a great place I agree. I enjoyed living in and exploring your hometown.

这时吴江来约请雷锦仪共进午餐,金燕赶紧表示她容许下来。Then LeiJinYi wujiang to invite for lunch and jinyan hurriedly says she allow down.

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金燕得知雷锦仪搭上了吴江,便试图压服她承受吴江。Jinyan learned that LeiJinYi boarded wujiang, then tried to crush her to bear wujiang.

第三章主要研究吴江话的连读变调和送气调的产生原因。The third chapter studies the tone sandhi of Wujiang and the cause of the tonal split.

金圣叹与文学世家吴江沈氏的交往,对其一生影响甚大。Jin Sheng tans friendship with the Shen clan in Wujiang exerted great influence on Jin.

第三章,分析吴江派南散曲区别于戏曲的独特性。Chapter three is about the uniqueness of Wujing School's South Sanqu that is different from opera.

本文主要以吴江叶氏家族女性的诗词创作为研究中心,共分五部分加以梳理与论述。This dissertation is focused on the women"s literature of this family and composed of five parts."

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晚明女性文学,尤其集中在环太湖一带的吴中地区的“文学世家”群体中,吴江叶氏“午梦堂一门”是其中的范型。It centralized literature family clan groups at the area Wu-zhong , which is a belt around Tai lake.

面对金燕关怀的讯问,雷锦仪表示本人不会分开吴江,除非他不要本人了。Facing the interrogation jinyan care, that I would never leave LeiJinYi wujiang unless he don't himself.

吴江汇杰生物科技公司位于汾湖开发区,在上海和苏州之间。Wujiang Huijie Biotech, LLC is situated in the FOHO Economic Development Zone, between Shanghai and Suzhou.

雷锦仪由于上次婚礼的事情想要搬进来住,不再给吴江形成压力。LeiJinYi because last wedding things want to move in to live, no longer give the wujiang formation pressure.

吴江悠闲地喝着茶,一个日本军官跑到他面前,用日语对他低声说了几句话。Wujiang leisurely drank their tea, a Japanese officers ran to his presence in Japanese for he whispered a few words.

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雷锦仪约请吴江一同游园,两人正聊天的时分忽然发作城南的爆炸事情。LeiJinYi inviting garden, two people are wujiang together chat dawn. the suddenly attack resurfaced explosion things.

我哥哥从上海回来,问我吴江有没有人在这几天有没有人卖唱有关世博的歌,我说没。My brother came back from Shanghai, ask me any person in wujiang, these days about any singing songs, I said the expo.

吴江冒着生命风险将平笙从大火中救了出来,本人却被熄灭的房梁砸中进了医院。Wujiang risked his life from the fire risk will ping shengs rescued, I was extinguished beams hit medium into hospital.