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食蚁兽生活在非洲。Aardvarks live in Africa.

我们在哪里可以找到食蚁兽?Where can we find aardvarks?

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食蚁兽先生是一种蓝而小的哺乳动物。Aardvark is a blue, small mammal.

受到惊吓奔跑的食蚁兽?How about a stampede of aardvarks?

食蚁兽先生是一种蓝色的小型哺乳动物。Aardvark is a blue and small mammal.

食蚁兽先生是一种小型的蓝色哺乳动物。A ardv ark is a sm all and blue m amm al.

食蚁兽问为什么你这么无聊?Why are you so boring?" the anteater asked.

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伊迪斯姑姑的食蚁兽吃了伊迪斯姑姑的蚂蚁。Aunt Edith's anteater ate Aunt Edith's ants.

同伴被吃了怎么办?杀进食蚁兽的肚子里!Find out the fastest way to an anteater 's stomach!

蚂蚁安迪问食蚁兽安妮为什么食蚁兽要吃蚂蚁。Andy Ant asked Annie Anteater why anteaters ate ants.

我们在哪里可以找到食蚁兽?We can find aardvarks in rain forests and grassy areas.

食蚁兽先生和小歪喜爱巧克力、健行,和钓鱼。Aardvark and Squiggly love chocolate, hiking, and fishing.

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食蚁兽如此得名,是因为它们吃蚂蚁和白蚁。Anteaters are so called because they eat ants or white ants.

遇有危险,食蚁兽会迅速用尾巴卷住树枝。When in danger , the anteater lashes its tail round a branch.

之后我惊喜地发现那是只巨型食蚁兽。With great surprise I found out that it was a giant anteater.

一地质学家发现敏捷的袋食蚁兽Rusty。Rusty the Nimble Numbat is discovered by a pair of geologists.

小红兔感冒了传染给大傻鹿,食蚁兽想出了一个办法帮他们杀死病毒。Giggles caught a cold and infected Lumpy. Sniffles got an idea.

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如果你是一只食蚁兽,你会用长长的舌头抓住蚂蚁。If you're an anteater, you capture termites with your long tongue.

结果,新生的食蚁兽幼仔经常被父母遗弃。As a consequence,newborn anteaters are often discarded by their parents.

南美洲松鼠大小的无齿食蚁兽,有金色的长毛。squirrel-sized South American toothless anteater with long silky golden fur.