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尽快忘了它。Forget it quick.

咱们不可不尽快行动。We get to act fast.

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你能尽快赶来吗?Can you come quickly?

让我们尽快聚聚。Let's get together soon.

我要尽快将其收回。Let me have it back soon.

我们尽快再去吃一顿吧。Let's eat there agin soon.

事实上,我希望我真能尽快得这么去做!I'm thinking the same thing.

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盖达必须尽快行动。Gaidar had to move very fast.

然后我尽快赶过来了。I came as quickly as I could.

期待尽快收到您的回复。I look forward to your reply!

我们得尽快出发。We need to leave really soon.

我希望天能尽快放晴。I'm hoping to win scholarship.

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请尽快给予我答复。Please reply me in A. S. A. P.

那么你只需尽快的忘掉这些。Forget them as soon as you can.

我们最快尽快停车投宿。We'd better stop and rest soon.

让你的销售尽快给我打电话。Have your salesman call me ASAP.

我会尽快赶到的。I'll get there as soon as I can.

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请您尽快联系我们续费!You as soon as possible renewals!

跑吧,狼,跑吧,尽快地跑Run, Wolf, run, as fast as you can

球队需要尽快拧成一股绳儿。Team needs to get it together soon!