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先来后到!First come first served!

先来后到。First come, first serve.

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所有美国电影院都“先来后到”式的服务。American movie theatres are all first come, first serve.

需要排队时,你总是遵循“先来后到”的原则吗?Do you always keep the order of arrival when there is a queue?

爱情没有先来后到只有不被爱的人才是第三者。Love did not first come, first served not only loved the talent is a third party.

爱情没有先来后到,只有不被爱的人才是第三者。----莎士比亚。Love did not first come, first served not only loved the talent is a third party. ----Shakespeare.

全会一般性辩论的发言名单按先来后到顺序排定。List of speakers for the general debate in the plenary shall be established on a first-come, first-served basis.

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即使队伍是非正式的,或者根本没有排队,人们依然遵循先来后到的次序。Even if the line is informal, or if no line is made, people rely on a "first come, first served" mindset. Do not jump or push ahead in line.

我当时也是这么想,但是没敢直说,只是说谁主动跟别人打招呼跟先来后到没关系。You are absolutely right. No one should wait for anyone else to speak first, smile first or even make eye contact before acknowledging the other person.

其实,葡萄酒的新旧世界的划分,更主要的标准还不在于时间上的先来后到,而在于二者在葡萄的品种、葡萄酒的特性、特别是生产理念上的不同。As matter of fact, the classification method does consist in the chronological order, but in the grape variety, characteristics, in particular the ideas on producing wine.

葡萄酒的新旧世界的划分,更主要的标准还不在于时间上的先来后到,而在于二者在葡萄的品种、葡萄酒的特性、特别是生产理念上的不同。Instead of chronological order, the classification of Old and New Worlds of grape wines mainly concerns about the grape variety, characteristics, in particular the ideas on producing wine.