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唉,托马斯为此而被黄牌警告真不幸。Well, Thomas is unlucky to be booked for that.

裁判会将此动作记为失误,并向踢球者出示黄牌警告。Record the kick as a miss and show the kicker a yellow card.

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马克在上半场因为挑衅的阻截动作而被判黄牌警告。Mark was given a yellow card for an aggressive tackle in the first half.

随后布拉西阻挡阿毛里,被黄牌警告。Afterward Brassey prevents in the Arab League wool, by yellow-card warning.

本哈伊姆是比赛中第一个也是唯一个因为对手强力的后期反击被黄牌警告的。Ben-Haim was the game's first and only booking for a strong late challenge.

一但教练被发现在没有合理的原因下出现在学生工作区域将被出示黄牌警告。A mentor found in the student work area without acceptable reason will be shown a yellow card.

这个不公正的判罚导致了我们的队员情绪失控,把球踢远并且得到黄牌警告。This led to our player kicking the ball away in disgust and correctly being given a yellow card.

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被累积两次黄牌警告者,下场罚自动停赛一场。Any participant who has accumulated two yellow cards will be suspended from next match automatically.

第15分钟,弗拉米尼争顶撞倒哈尔弗雷德松,被黄牌警告。The 15th minute, the Larminie struggle contradicts but actually Hall the Fred pine, by yellow-card warning.

澳大利亚用特洛伊西换下受伤的奥尔,61分钟拉莫斯中场撞倒杰迪纳克被黄牌警告。Australia with Isidor replaced the injured Troy Orr, 61 minutes Ramos knocked Jedi ng midfielder was booked.

曼联前锋路尼同样因为对于判罚的大声抗议而被黄牌警告。Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney was also booked for dissent after loudly protesting against the decision.

参赛者如有两次累积黄牌警告者,下场罚自动停赛一场。A participant who has accumulated two cautions in the competition will be suspended from next match automatically.

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参赛者如有两次累积黄牌警告者,下场罚自动停赛一场。A participant who has accumulated two cautions in the competition will be suspended from the next match automatically.

在与巴塞罗那的首回合较量中,我们有三名球员被黄牌警告,他们都保证了自己没有再次得到黄牌。In the first leg against Barcelona, we had three players on a caution and they made sure they didn't get booked again.

在34分钟,罗本从两名波尔图守卫中间跑进禁区时,因为假摔而被意大利出示黄牌警告。On 34 minutes, Robben was booked for diving by the Italian referee after a run between two Porto defenders into the area.

切尔西明显变得灰心起来,而卡瓦略在补时首分钟更不智地侵犯德梅里特而被黄牌警告。Chelsea grew noticeably frustrated, and Carvalho was booked in the first minute of stoppage time for a silly foul on DeMerit.

行为不当的足球运动员显示黄牌警告,旅行在法国的比赛者知道这男子有黄色是胜利的车手。Misbehaving soccer players are shown yellow as a warning, and Tour de France racers know the man in yellow is the rider to beat.

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马术监事长有权利对于咒骂马匹和对官员们行为不当的选手出示黄牌警告。The Chief Steward has the authority to issue a yellow warning card for abuse to horses and incorrect behavior towards officials.

结论计划免疫黄牌警告机制是一种可行的、有效的管理机制,初步遏制广西计划免疫工作滑坡的势头,但该机制仍有待进一步完善。Conclusion The EPI yellow card warning system is a feasible and useful way to prevent EPI retrogress, but it should be more scientific and reliable.

你必须考虑是否对他出示黄牌警告他的违反体育道德的行为,如果他的手臂档球阻挡的是一次明显得分机会的话,你必须将他红牌罚下。You must also decide whether to caution the player for unsporting behaviour or, if a scoring chance was clearly denied, you must send the player off.