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这条银白色的痕迹是黏液。The slivery trail is slime.

黏液有助于蜗牛滑行。The slime helps the snail slide along.

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其中五例为脂肪瘤,一例为黏液囊肿。There were 5 lipomas and 1 mucus cyst.

一些人认为喝牛奶只会导致更多黏液。Some people think it only causes more mucus.

这个黏糊糊的物质被称为海洋黏液。This stringy mess is known as marine mucilage.

真恶心!但是,你猜怎么着?黏液是有帮助的。Yucky! But, guess what? Mucus is very helpful.

未见细胞内黏液小滴。Intracellular mucin droplets are not identifiable.

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结核性黏液囊炎发生率非常低。The incidence of tuberculous bursitis is very low.

黏液细胞分泌酸性黏多糖。The mucous cells secrete acid mucopolysaccharides.

在黏液瘤并发神经系统症状的患者中。Among patients with myxoma and neurologic symptoms.

使用蜗牛黏液远远不够挖掘出法国人!It will take more then snail slime to unbury the French!

结论黏液性囊腺瘤有潜在恶性倾向。Conclusion Mucinous cystadenoma has a malignant tendency.

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很多肿瘤细胞有明显的黏液空泡。Many of the neoplastic cells have clear vacuoles of mucin.

他患有黏液囊炎,但他们佯称他身体极好。He had bursitis, but they pretended he was in perfect health.

怎样才能引起黏液向上流动,离开肺部呢?How can you cause mucus to flow upward and out of your lungs?

但是源自于盲肠之黏液性囊腺瘤仍然从未被报告过。However, thus far, there are no reports on lesions of the cecum.

目的探讨心脏黏液瘤手术治疗经验。Objective To review the experience of operation for cardiac myxomas.

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支链淀粉含大量凝胶黏液,加热后呈弱碱性,对胃酸过多有抑制作用。Amylopectin a lot of mucus gel, a heated weak alkaline, acid inhibited.

由于黏液样品量较少,未能作进一步的分析。Few mucus samples were offered and it is not enough for further analysis.

山斑鱼刮净鳞和黏液,除去内脏洗净抹乾。Scale Shan Ban Fish, remove the intestines and slime, rinse and wipe dry.