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晨星也是金星The Morning Star is Venus.

晨星激起爱情黎明闪烁。The day-star dawns of love.

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我又要把晨星赐给他。And I will give him the morning star.

晨星称这种优势为“宽护城河”。Morningstar calls this edge a "wide moat.

我四周张望,没有看到晨星I look around and the Morning Star is not there.

从03到07年我一直在晨星报任编辑一职。I was an editor in morning-star from 2003 to 2007.

一个成为引领你的晨星,一个是你的太阳。One became your guilding star, the other became your sun.

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天上只有稀稀拉拉的几颗晨星。There were only a few scattered stars in the morning sky.

你可以使用晨星公司的星级评级作为指导。You could use Morningstar. com's star ratings as a guide.

那里有明亮晨星,荣光四面照来。There the bright and morning star Sheds its beams around me.

我肯定你们也对晨星很熟悉And I'm sure you're also familiar then with the Morning Star.

多如晨星的新家庭对孩子们又意味着什么呢?And what does the new family constellation mean for the kids?

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她比那晨星更可爱,比月亮更皎洁。She is fairer than the morning star, and whiter than the moon.

联发科和晨星半导体最早开打。Media Tek and MStar Semiconductor initially launched the price war.

没有太阳,只有晨星发光照在那挪开的坟墓上。Not the sun, but only the morning-star shone upon His opening tomb.

昏星和晨星,是同一个天体The Evening Star and the Morning Star are the very same heavenly body.

有些船名,就像晚星和晨星仍然沿用到现在。Some names, like 'Night Star' and 'Morning Star', are still used today.

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我们所在的世界既有昏星,也有晨星The world that we live in has both the Evening Star and the Morning Star.

去年,晨星还提名希罗为“十年最佳国际股票基金经理”。Last year Morningstar named Herro its International Stock Manager of the Decade.

晨星农场提供水牛城素辣鸡翅,烤素肋骨,和素肉圆。Morning Star Farms makes vegetarian buffalo wings, BBQ ribs, and meatless meatballs.