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斯密斯德站着,缄默不语。Smithers stood in silence.

有时,你又缄默不言。Sometimes you're just silent.

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能言是银,缄默是金。Speech is argent, blackout is gold.

质疑者不应该被迫保持缄默。The sceptics should not be silenced.

时续时断。但我一直缄默不言。For that I have been keeping silence.

尼尼伯,缄默之角冠神,记住!NINIB, Horned One of Silence, Remember!

你猜得透火山的缄默?Can you guess why the volcano is so silent?

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我们缄默天站在严寒的威我特郡平原上。Mute we stand on the cold plains of Wiltshire.

我的缄默的诗神礼貌的一声不作。My tongue-tied Muse in manners holds her still.

缄默是最易反驳的论面之一。Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.

听到胡晓月对李彪的感情,林振海缄默了。Hear HuXiaoYue to LiBiao feelings, LinZhenHai silence.

像往常一样,两人缄默不语。A silence fell between them, as companionable as always.

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讲分明和需求的缄默来廓清这一状况。Speak clear and demand silence to clear up the situation.

不能言说者,即请持缄默。推开窗,一轮明月,当下呈现。Where of one can not speak , there of one must be silent.

汉斯。欧普。德。贝克的视觉语言是肃静而缄默的。Hans Op de Beeck's visual language is hushed and reserved.

怎么那些缄默的诺言也散在海角天涯了吗。How those silent promise also scattered at the cape there?

那个曾经夸夸其辞的演说家缄默不语。The once bombastic orator had himself lapsed into silence.

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在她回覆问题以前,有好永劫候的缄默。There was a long silence before she answered the question.

对于此,那学生无话回答,保持缄默。To that, the student had no answer and remained in silence.

我们不应对这件可耻的事保持缄默。We should not pass over this disgraceful affair in silence.