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好乖哦。可是好象很怕羞呢。It is ok to be special.

快乐好象小鳝鱼。And squirms like an eel.

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两脚好象都系得紧紧的。Both seemed securely tied.

信靠是敬拜的行动,就好象孩子信靠父母的爱与智慧,父母就快乐。Trusting is an act of worship.

不要装得好象你懂得一切。Don't act like you know it all.

我好象上错了一道儿菜。I seem to have misserved a dish.

她好象没有听见他说话似的But she did not seem to hear him.

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这就好象为葡萄酒戴上墨镜。They’re like sunglasses for wine.

去岁已逝,它们好象在说。Last year is dead, they seem to say.

人生在世就好象一场蝴蝶梦。Living life as if a butterfly dream.

他颤抖了一下,好象受了寒气一样。He shivered about as though with cold.

但作母亲的好象对此听而不闻。But the mother did not seem to hear it.

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我的求学之路好象有点苦呢?I study the way it seems a bit bitter ?

但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸。But on the surface he looks calm & ready.

努那兹耸了耸肩,好象我也要问这个问题?。Nu?ez shrugged. As if I was going to ask?

他刚才好象讲的是秦国人来着。He just seemed to say is the state of Qin.

好象要下一场雷暴雨。It seems as lf there'II be a thunderstorm.

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但表面却异常平静,好象成竹在胸。But on the surface he looks calm and ready.

不要生我的气,好象这都是我一个人的错一样。Don't be mad at me, like it's all my fault.

但是如果我不送给她的话,又好象过于心胸狭窄了。But it just seems petty not to give her one.