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这一切都能通过总线得以解决。All these are handled by the bus.

接下来,您将创建总线成员。Next, you will create a bus member.

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创建一个消息总线与目的地。Create a messaging bus and a destination.

每条总线包括目的地列表。Each bus contains a list of destinations.

南桥是PCI总线的重要部分。South Bridge is an important unit of PCI.

残杀者按照牵转具进总线之内。The butcher follows the dog into the bus.

微处理器的数据总线和地址总线的带宽分别为多少?What is the uP data and address bus width?

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如何决定什么地址总线使用?How does 1-wire decide what address to use?

数字多媒体传输网络采用双令牌总线结构。Network structure was double token chain bus.

总线选择时约定命令控制字为0FEH。When selecting bus, the control word is 0FEH.

VXI总线测试仪器的应用日趋广泛。The VXI bus instruments are increasingly applied.

可选的总线通信通过所有主要的协议。Optional bus communications via all maj protocols.

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由此建立起基于RS485总线的硬件系统。Finally, establish the RS485-based hardware system.

另一个85千伏总线的例子如图2所示。Another example is shown in Fig. 2 for an 85 kV bus.

正告!你需要进级你的HD音频总线驱动。Warning! You need to update your HD Audio bus driver.

接下来,您必须确认总线原型能正常运行。Next, you should confirm that the Bus prototype works.

与波节有关的万用串列总线硬件只是文件。The nodes associated with USB hardware are just files.

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当总线空闲下来时,它可以重新填充额外的缓冲区。When the bus is free, it can refill the extra buffers.

现在已经为示例应用程序创建了总线。We have now created the bus for our sample application.

一种采用权标传递协议的总线网。A bus network in which a token passing protocol is used.