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我得请示我的主管。I’ll check my supervisor.

我们用无线电向北京请示。We radioed Beijing for instructions.

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向它请示指向,引导就会来。Ask it for guidance, and guidance will come.

我们还要归去向总部报告请示情形呢。We've got to report back to the head office.

什么时候该独自行动而什么时候该请示。When to act on your own and when to consult.

关于这件事我得向经理请示一下。I have to consult the manager about the matter.

办理增资扩股工商注册的请示。Application for Registration of Increased Capital.

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其时,田畦请示将军如何起草命令。At that time, General Tin Kwai asked how the draft order.

实际工作中报告与请示误用、混用的情况时有发生。However, in practice, report and request are often misused.

公司政策原因不能盘旋进近。请示备降。Unable circling approach due company policy. Request diversion.

换句话说,人们花很多钱来请示神谕In other words, people spent a lot of money to consult the oracle.

地方管理机构应请示中央主管部门。Local authorities must refer everything to the central ministries.

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我们出现了“前方风切变”警告,请示推迟进近。We have a "Wind-shear Ahead" warning. Request to delay our approach.

咱们的现场质量检查员将每天向工程项目经理报告请示。Our site quality inspector will report to the ProjectManager everyday.

她未请示上级擅自把所有这些请柬都发了出去。She issued all these invitations without any reference to her superiors.

我们遇到了明冰,请示立即右转至航向130。We are encountering clear ice. Request immediate right turn to heading 130.

事发后,小海在请示了老板后,一次性给了王金8000元。After the incident, asked the boss in a small sea, the one to the Wang 8000.

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副机长回到驾驶室请示机长该怎么做。The copilot returned to the cockpit and asked the captain what he should do.

首先,我们组建了规模更小的精干团队,他们可以随机应变,不必请示管理层的决策。First, we made smaller teams that don't have to ask management for decisions.

高局长向他报告请示,方处长奥秘掉踪了。High chief report to him for instructions, director of the void off mystery party.