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然后我们一起谢幕。Thank you , then take a bow.

就这样,这次真的是最后的谢幕了。This is the final curtain call.

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对于旧世界而言,它的舞台已经谢幕。For the old world, it’s game over.

观众要求这位演员出来谢幕。The audience called for the actor.

她没有返台谢幕。She didn't return for a curtain call.

那个歌手被喝采声叫到幕前谢幕三次。The singer was called back three times.

他们鼓掌要求这位演员出来谢幕。They called the actor before the curtain.

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皆奏一枫曲,次年回首花谢幕。A song is played back, the flower curtain.

指挥请独奏者上前谢幕。The conductor had the soloists take a bow.

女演员正在一次又一次地谢幕。The actress was bowing her thanks again and again.

秀场一谢幕,他就将礼服和假发都收拾上锁。At the end of the show, he locked the frocks and wigs away.

可谢幕并没有结束这场折磨我的游戏。Can not take a curtain call and end the suffering of my game.

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剧终后演员们谢幕达五次之多。After the play the actors and actresses took five curtain calls.

我给了你爱,你给我的全是虚假,所以就谢幕吧。I gave you love, all you gave me was pretend, so now take a bow.

人们鼓掌欢呼,使她一再上台谢幕。People clapped and shouted and made her come on again and again.

他曾连续谢幕17次,至少到逝世时,他仍保持着这项世界纪录。He took 17 curtain calls and, by his death, held the world record for them.

他们表达的是对一个美国公司谢幕的悲伤。The talk was instead of sadness at seeing an American firm falling to outsiders.

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这是该艘前英国渔船告别巡航亚洲行的谢幕演出。It is the swansong of this former British fishing trawler on her farewell tour of Asia.

然而,一个即将谢幕的幼小的生命,却让我如此动容,让我庄严地向她致敬!But a withering young life touches me so much that it arouses my solemn respect for her!

运动员起初被认为是国家的英雄,但是很快表演就谢幕了。The players were greeted initially as national heroes, but their stardom was short-lived.