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想在膳食中降低脂肪的含量?Want to cut fat in meals?

柿子还富含膳食纤维和热量。They are rich in fiber and calories.

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这是日常平衡膳食的一部分。It's a part of a daily balanced diet.

铁膳食中存在两种不同的形式。Dietary iron exists in two different forms.

鱼和炸土豆片在英国是很受欢迎的膳食。Fish and chips is a popular meal in Britain.

乳母需要摄取更多膳食钙吗?。Does lactation mother need more diet calcium?

合理膳食,多做运动。Eat healthy, Sennheiser Headphone, do sports.

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膳食安排可服用半流质、软饭。Prandial arrangement can take pappy, soft meal.

以每日1-2茶匙作为膳食补充剂。Take 1-2 teaspoons daily as a dietary supplement.

膳食纤维在本质上不一定必须是纤维状的。Dietary fiber is not necessarily fibrous in nature.

但是膳食专家反对快速的体重下降。However, dieticians are against speedy weight loss.

抗性淀粉是一种新型的膳食纤维资源。Resistant starch is a new resource of dietary fiber.

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创作膳食,遵循穴居人的饮食法是非常简单的。Creating meals and living the caveman diet is SIMPLE.

本土膳食主义者是一些食用本地产食物的人。A locavore is someone who eats foods produced locally.

我们可以用插件将场地、膳食、服装等相关事项插入其中。We can use plug-ins to embed venues, caterers, dresses.

本方还可做肺结核,糖尿病患者之膳食。This can be done, tuberculosis, diabetes patients meals.

每天两锭,随餐饭后使用,作为膳食补充。As a dietary supplement, take two caplets daily with food.

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认清了现实之后,揭示者偷了一些真正的膳食。Realizing the reality, the revealer steals some real meal.

每日一次或两次,每次两锭,做为膳食补充。Take 2 caplets once or twice daily as a dietary supplement.

但所有这些都取决于我们,评估膳食脂肪的能力But all that depends on our ability to estimate dietary fat.