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产椰枣、多种蔬菜与水果。Production dates, a variety of fruits and vegetables.

他牵着我的手去看人们收获马苏德的椰枣。He pulled me by the hand and we went off to the harvesting of Masood's dates.

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主要产椰枣、热带水果、谷物、马铃薯、蔬菜和烟草。Main production dates, tropical fruit, corn, potatoes, vegetables and tobacco.

农业集中在法拉吉绿洲,主要种植椰枣。Agricultural concentrated in the ferrari auspicious oasis, main planting dates.

鲜或干的椰枣、无花果、菠萝、鳄梨、番石榴、芒果及山竹果。Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried.

在伊拉克,椰枣树是作为一种家庭里世代相传宝世代相传的。Date-palm trees in Iraq are passed down through generations as part of family legacies.

他站在一羊皮帐篷中一个小小的绿洲内的椰枣丛。He was standing before a goat-skin tent amidst a clump of date palms within a tiny oasis.

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然后,不知为什么,我把手指伸进喉咙,把刚才吃的椰枣都吐出来了。Then, without knowing why, I put my finger into my throat and spewed up the dates I'd eaten.

预防传播的努力应首先注重减少蝙蝠与椰枣汁接触。Efforts to prevent transmission should first focus on decreasing bat access to date palm sap.

种植在建筑物周围的椰枣树将有助于进一步遮荫,同时也是食物来源。Date palms planted around the building would contribute further shade, as well as a source of food.

你们前方不远的地平线处就有一个绿洲,那里有喝不完的清水和吃不尽的椰枣。In a short time you will reach that oasis on the horizon with plenty of water to drink and dates to eat.

他们围着这些椰枣袋子站成了一个圈,然后开始鉴别椰枣的好坏,有人拿一两个椰枣尝一尝。They formed a circle round the sacks of dates and began examining them, some taking a date or two to eat.

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尼罗河畔的秋阳格外柔媚,椰枣树热情地舒展着臂膀。Along the Nile River, the autumn sun glowed especially softly and date palm trees stretched arms enthusiastically.

这种咖啡味道非常淡,一丝浅浅的椰枣的酸甜味若隐若现,就像阿拉伯姑娘面纱后神秘的微笑。This coffee tastes very weak, a shallow dates of sour sweet taste is like concealed, like Arab girl veil mysterious smile.

他们建造了非常复杂精密的灌溉系统,这让他们得以种植小麦、大麦、高梁、椰枣和橄榄。They constructed a sophisticated irrigation system that allowed them to grow wheat, barley, sorghum, date palms, and olives.

还应将采集的新鲜椰枣汁煮沸,并应在食用水果前彻底清洗和去皮。Freshly collected date palm juice should also be boiled and fruits should be thoroughly washed and peeled before consumption.

他解释了在斋月每天禁食结束后首先吃的东西是椰枣,一种甜甜耐嚼的水果。He is explaining the first foods to eat after breaking the fast of Ramadan. He says one must eat dates, a sweet, chewy fruit.

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游船已经在尼罗河上不紧不慢地航行了数天,每天傍晚我们看着在玫瑰红和柠檬黄色的天空中,太阳渐渐沉入到椰枣树林的后面。We'd been cruising languidly down the Nile for days, watching the sun sink behind the date palms each evening in a rose-and-lemon sky.

埃及人依照传统,聚集各家一起用椰枣和牛奶为周四的第一天封斋及开斋做准备。Egyptians prepared for the first day of fasting, gathering extended families to break fast traditionally on Thursday with dates and milk.

2004年孟加拉国有人因食用被已受感染的果蝠污染的椰枣原汁而染上该病毒。In Bangladesh in 2004, humans became infected with NiV as a result of consuming date palm sap that had been contaminated by infected fruit bats.