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欢迎乐捐﹐捐款可减免所得税!Donations may be tax deductible.

这是史上最大的一笔债务减免。This is the biggest debt reduction in history.

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给予高收入者较大幅度的收入税减免。Gives high earners big breaks on the payroll tax.

这个文本的法案还将给一些房屋建筑商提供税收上的减免。It would also give tax breaks to some homebuilders.

另外,也没有计算今后的捐税减免。In addition, no future tax benefit has been calculated.

加拿大可以依附录300-A获准海关税减免。Canada may grant duty waivers as set out in Annex 300- A.

英国曾是个税务上的落伍者,2000年才引入税务减免政策。Britain was a tax laggard, introducing credits only in 2000.

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完全废除这些减免在政治上可能行不通。Junking these deductions entirely may be politically impossible.

目前医院已同意减免小孩欠下的治疗费。The hospital has agreed to reduction in treatment costs owed child.

那些被困在性躁狂症会找到期待已久的减免没有乐队。Those trapped in sex mania will find long-awaited relief in No Stones.

通过的价值增值的公司税制改革和税收减免。A the adoption of value-added tax reform and tax relief for the company.

这种让利,比如通过减免关税,通过早期收获实现。The benefit can be achieved through tariff reductions and early harvest.

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此外,医疗单位也对患者的手术费进行了减免。Also, those medical units reduced or even rendered the operations gratis.

该计划预计将为希腊减免约500亿欧元债务。The plan is expected to provide some 50bn euros of debt relief to Greece.

可能税务减免是你购房时的有利因素。It is possible the tax write-off alone will make homebuying right for you.

整个“韩流”是建立在政府补贴和赋税减免的基础上。The entire “Korean wave” is manufactured through subsidies and tax breaks.

首先,保险单中可减免条款越少意味着您付的保费将会很高。First, your premiums will be much higher on a policy with a low deductible.

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这种让利,比如关税减免可通过“早期收获”实现。The benefit can be achieved through tariff concessions and "early harvest".

那些被评定为质量上乘的学术杂志将会获得支持,比如税收减免。Those journals judged to be strong will receive support such as tax breaks.

冰锢坚韧雕纹增加了冰锢坚韧最小伤害减免值。Glyph of Icebound Fortitude increases the minimum damage reduction from IBF.