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拘于胆识,她犹豫不决。She hesitated as long as she dared.

没有胆识,难得高就。No one reaches a high position without daring.

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有胆识,能够很好地应对紧张情绪。They're very courageous. They deal with tension.

所需要的只有运气,狡猾和胆识。All you needed was luck and cunning and boldness.

你的直觉和胆识是你做任何决定时最好的指引。Your gut instinct is the best decision-making tool.

众多富于胆识的女性为变革奋笔疾书,登上讲坛。Legions of brave women wrote and lectured for change.

需要作出许多具有胆识的决定,而且时不我待。Many bold decisions need to be taken, and taken soon.

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这其实,就是胆识,而拿得起,放得下,就是魄力。This actually, is courage, and affordable, to put next, is boldness.

一个盈利的企业必须有一个具备胆识和冒险革新视野的领导人。D. a profitable company must have a boss with bold and venturesome vision.

拉宾和阿拉法特同意出席仪式并发言,这显示了他们的远见和胆识。Rabin and Arafat showed both vision and guts in consenting to come and speak.

三只老鼠坐在酒吧里,吹嘘他们的胆识和强壮。Three rats are sitting at the bar bragging about their bravery and toughness.

喜欢慷慨大方、精明、干练、思维敏捷、敢作敢当、有胆识的男人。Likes generous, capable, the thought agile, having the courage and wisdom man.

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这些政策可以使非正统的——胆识我们所面临的问题也是非正统的。These policies would be unorthodox — but so are the economic problems we face.

牧羊座的人据说是很有胆识的领导人物,但同时也是很会惹麻烦的部属。Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troublesome followers. Half true.

牧羊座的人据说是很有胆识的指导人物,但同时也是很会惹麻烦的部属。I'm an Aries. Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troublesome followers.

不仅在这一个问题上,其他问题也是如此,两人都没有表现哪怕一点点政治胆识。Not once on this—or any other— issue has either shown one scrap of political courage.

世界街头赛车手机版是对你的驾驶技术,个人风格和胆识的终极考验!Project gotham racing mobile is the ultimate test of racing skill, style, and daring.

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他带的帽子高低不平,展示着他的胆识——但却和自相矛盾的与一套正装搭配。The hat he dons here is rugged and daring -- but paired with a suit, paradoxically refined.

慨然表现出他作为统帅的无畏胆识与雄大气魄。Generously to show him as commander in chief for the fearless courage and great spirit hung.

是否明哲保身规整投注,则看你对循规蹈矩的有限制下注或者风险性较大的无限制下注的熟练程度与胆识了!Play it safe with Structured Bets, test your skills in Pot Limit or risk it all in No Limit.