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监督管理备用金及投资。Monitor house banks and investments.

公司将用小额备用金把钱还给你。The company will reimburse you out of petty cash.

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银行保留有一笔很大的备用金。The bank keeps a large surplus of money in reserve.

保存备用金合同并计算。Maintain all house fund contracts and count all house funds.

是否所有的报销,除了备用金外均使用支票支付?Are all disbursements, except from petty cash, made by check?

在你的养老计划之外建立紧急备用金是不错的主意。It’s good to build an emergency fund outside of your retirement plan.

只有当初次设置备用金时,才借记零用现金账户。The petty cash account is debited only when the fund is first established.

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饭店规定,由于备用金有限,每个客人最多只能换5000元人民币。We only exchange 5000 rmb for every guest at most according to hotel policy.

准备每天的现金日记帐和银行存款日记帐包括总出纳的备用金。Prepare daily accounting and daily bank accounting for cash including own fund.

借款人工作变迁时必须在变迁前交还借用的备用金。Borrower who changes job must return borrowed reserve fund before he leaves the post.

妥善保管保险柜钥匙,保险柜内除少量备用金外不要存放大额现金过夜。Never leave a great deal of cash in your safe overnight, and be sure of keys in safekeeping.

每个月余下的500元,可以作为日常生活的备用金,以备不时之需。The remaining 500 yuan per month, can be used as the daily life of imprest , for emergency use.

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备用金报销的处理依企业备用金管理制度的不同而有所区别。Imprest imprest claims processing enterprise management system according to the different variants.

从本质上讲,这是一个小额存款项目,有了它,女人们在急需买食物时就能有一些备用金。Essentially, it’s a microsavings project, so that women have a nest egg when it’s needed to buy food.

备用金保管人到银行将这张补充支票兑成现金并存放到零用现金箱中。The custodian of the fund will cash the replenishment check at the bank and place the cash in the petty cash box.

这还需要建立强大的社会安全体系,使中国家庭减少后顾之忧,不再需要为筹措备用金或退休养老而过份储蓄。It also requires a stronger social safety net that reduces the need for Chinese households to over-save for a rainy day or old age.

根据酒店政策和程序,使用采购备用金支付现金采购物品。To initiate cash payment of merchandises on "Cash on Delivery" basis through the purchasing fund as per hotel's policies and procedures.

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同时,还应具有一定数量的备用金,用于其服务对象合法权益受到损害时的赔偿。At the same time, it shall have certain amount of contingent funds for compensation in case that its clients' legal interests are violated.

临时备用金的借款期限最长不得超过一个月。特殊情况需延长的,需重新办理借款手续。Time limit for temporarily borrowed reserve fund is one month. If time extension is needed under special conditions, borrowing procedure shall be re-handled.

现金是银行的备用金,没有任何收益,还要花费很大的代价去贮存,保管和运送,因此,银行尽可能保留极少的现金。Cash is a banker's stock in trade but it earns nothing and costs him a great deal to store, safeguard and transport, so he will keep as little of it as he can.