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让我们商讨一下这个问题。Let's thresh out this problem.

他召集众神商讨对策。He summoned the gods to council.

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他们商讨卖房一事。They discussed selling the house.

他们在仔细商讨此计划。They were deliberating over the plan.

那时,他们在一直商讨那份计划。They were deliberating the plan then.

总统同内阁进行了商讨。The president advised with the cabinet.

我们在商讨如何是好。We were deliberating how it might be done.

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看来他几乎和志燮商讨每件事情。It seemed he discusses everything with Jisub.

我们正在与外国公司商讨对策。We are now discussing with foreign companies.

好的。我会和采购部经理商讨此事。I willl talk to the department manager about it.

每一个本金保证产品都是在与一家客户商讨之后设立的。Each CGP is created in consultation with a client.

我队要求暂停,以便商讨新的对策。Our team asked for time out to discuss a new plan.

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我和她一起商讨她将来的工作计划。I deliberated with her on her future plans of work.

一千多学生冲进了商讨院大楼。Over 1000 students stormed into the Sente building.

我来于您商讨物料供应事宜。I'm coming here to discuss the store supplies with you.

Meles先生在肯尼亚召开的商讨此次危机的峰会上发表讲话。Mr Meles was speaking at a Kenyan summit on the crisis.

捷克政府经过商讨,赞成此条约。The treaty was negotiated and agreed by the government.

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他们开始商讨欧洲问题。They entered into a discussion of the European question.

清华大学是否临时封门"谢客"还在商讨中。Tsinghua University is discussing whether to follow suit.

梅威瑟、哈伊盟和阿鲁姆之间已经有过一次认真的商讨。Mayweather and Haymon have had a serious falling out with Arum.