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嗨,我也当过童子军。Hey, I was in the Scouts too.

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“这要归功于我的童子军训练,”吉夫说。“Thanks be to Scouts, ” Giff says.

有童子军和女童子军。There were Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts.

童子军在树林里徒步旅行。Boy scouts take hikes through the woods.

很难想象泰勒在童子军的样子.It's hard to imagine Tyler in Boy Scouts.

童子军们在田野里张起帐幕。The boy scouts pitched a tent in a field.

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今天在童子军学什么啦!Mom, guess what I learned in Scouts today!

童子军在美国很受欢迎。The boy Scouts in America is very popular.

童子军即使要害怕的情况下也要能面对危险。Scout can face danger even if he is afraid.

童子军活动向各不同年龄段的青少年开放。Scouting is open to a variety of age groups.

在最近释放的童子军中有九名女孩儿。Among those recently released were nine girls.

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童子军工作以支付其生活开支并帮助他人。Scout works to pay his way and to help others.

童子军都有哪些有趣的活动呢?WHAT do American scouts do? Anything exciting?

这些童子军被教导要日行一善。The boy scouts are taught to do a good deed a day.

好吧,事实上我并不属于任何童子军。In fact, I am not affiliated with the Scouts at all.

一些城市里来的童子军孩子们在野外露营。Some boy scouts from the city were on a camping trip.

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more是一个典型的男孩童子军的点心”穆尼斯解释道。"S'mores are a classic boy-scout snack," explains Muniz.

more是一个典型的男孩童子军的点心”穆尼斯解释道。"S'mores are a classic boy-scout snack, " explains Muniz.

皮威童子军还没来得及上火车,火车就开走了,情况有些糟糕。Things get worse when the train leaves without the Pee Wees.