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迈克替他儿子背黑锅。Mike carried the can for his son.

他犯了罪,却让我替他背黑锅。He committed crime but let me hold the bag.

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现在他们为你干的好事背黑锅。Standing right in the crosshairs for what you did.

他其实是替别人背黑锅遭受惩罚。He accepts responsibility and punishment for what someone else did.

然后,你让登特替你背黑锅,甚至对于像我一样的家伙,也很冷酷。Then you let Dent take your place. Even to a guy like me, that's cold.

想扛整个组,先学会“背黑锅”。广告真经第一课!Taking the blame or taking one for the team?Get started on the advertising lessons.

他要让赫特人加入分离主义阵营,办法就是陷害绝地,让他们去为罗塔的失踪背黑锅。He wanted the Hutt in the Separatist camp, and the way to do that was to frame the Jedi for Rotta's disappearance.

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那只是我自己的问题而不应让他人为我背黑锅,没有埋怨我试图利用她将“不法”的中国制品搬到我家。Kind enough not to resent the fact that I'm trying to use her as a mule to import illicit Chinese cargo into our house.

其中,美联储作为罪魁祸首一直都不愿意动用全部权力工具来抑制美元贬值并着手提高就业率,因为这样做能够缓解来自国会的压力,使他们能让其他人、任何人为美国的无就业经济复苏背黑锅——现在这种情况下的替罪羊则是中国。Doing so would help to relieve the pressure in Congress to blame someone, anyone—in this case China—for America’s jobless recovery.

杜库正好可以利用这一点。他要让赫特人加入分离主义阵营,办法就是陷害绝地,让他们去为罗塔的失踪背黑锅。Dooku was counting on it. He wanted the Hutt in the Separatist camp, and the way to do that was to frame the Jedi for Rotta's disappearance.

四个男生的帐全算在一个人头上,夜场结束时,背黑锅的那个定会惊呼,你们怎么灌了我这么多!!!At the end of the night, four guys would have been putting everything on one guy's tab, and he would start screaming, "How did you make me drink this much?"

每次有几个坏的结果或者可能的战术有点错误或我们一球落后,球迷们就会让教练背黑锅。Every time there were a couple of bad results or maybe the tactics were slightly wrong or we went a goal behind, the fans were getting on the manager's back.

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试想一下,我们的另一半从外面回来,可能因为工作不顺心无缘无故冲着我们就是这样大吵大嚷了起来,我们的第一反应也许是,你是你,我是我,你没有做对事情凭什么,要让我一道陪你背黑锅。Say our other half comes home and yells at us about something inconsequential because they’re stressed at work. Our first response is to take it personally and feel aggrieved.