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还有炮手,那些百发百中的神枪手。And artillery-men, the deadliest that ever fired gun.

多加小心,避免万一失手胜过百发百中。Be more careful not to miss once than to hit a hundred times.

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一个百发百中的神枪手,英格兰没有比他更勇敢的骑手。A very decent shot, and there is not a bolder rider in England.

姚明在这场比赛中,每次投三分球都百发百中,真是太棒了!Yao Ming succeeded in every three point shot in this game. It's awesome.

失望中的猜测是一种百发百中的神矢。The divination of despair is a sort of mysterious bow which never misses its aim.

她的刀工非常纯熟,就算闭着眼睛也能做到百发百中,万无一失。She handles knives so skillfully that can hit 10 of 10 in the bull’s eye with her eyes closed.

你申请的这几所大学都成功了,你真是百发百中呀!You have succeeded in all the university applications. You really hit your target with every shot.

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一旦你提炼了这些信息——并且花了时间练习——你就会发现它百发百中。Once you refine the information—and take the time to practice—you'll find it's extremely effective.

而学礼对曼与珑这个百发百中射篮球组合,同样留下深刻印象。And learn the ritual of man and the fairy in shoot the basketball combination, also leave deep impression.

这位外交官显然是百发百中,所有七个子弹找到了印记,杀害他的两个追兵。The diplomat was apparently a crack shot, and all seven bullets found their mark, killing his two pursuers.

例如,这五天来它预告高温和傍晚下雨,百发百中。For example the last five days it's been right on the button predicting high temperatures and evening showers!

七位王子一个个地倒在他那百发百中的箭下,即使那位最小的王子,虽然他请求宽恕,也没能幸免。One by one the princes fell under his accurate shooting. Even the youngest, who prayed for mercy, was not spared.

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但姚明居然没有在“右肘”投一次篮,因为黄蜂队不给他出手的机会,以为他在这个位置百发百中。But Yao didn't shoot once there because Hornets didn't leave him any chance, thinking he can find hoop in this area.

古时候魏国有个著名的射手叫更羸,他射箭百发百中,大家都管他叫“神箭手”。In ancient times, there is a well-known archer called Geng Lei. As his every shot hits the target, people call him the Magic Archer.

鹰有凶狠而尖锐的眼神,瞄准了目标,在关键时刻果断地发动攻击,“该出手时就出手”,捕捉食物时百发百中。Eagle eyes are fierce and sharp, aimed at the target, at a critical moment decisive attack, "the hand on hand" to capture the food shot.

要确保你的过顶球百发百中,你必须要练习从自己场地的任何一点把球击到对方场地内一个特定的点上。To ensure that you never miss an overhead due to this location dilemma, you should learn to hit it from anywhere in your court to a specific spot in the other court.

有些人管它叫“灵巧射手”,这种新式步枪是美国步兵的一种合二为一的武器,它在1000码以内百发百中,而且还能够绕开障碍。Some call it the Smart Shooter, a new rifle for American infantry troops that is two weapons in one, is accurate up to 1,000 yards and in effect fires around corners.