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盐沼,盐泉,盐塘或盐湖。A salt marsh, spring, pond, or lake.

我们在纽约和宾州交界处附近的盐泉州立公园中找到了这样一处。We find one at Salt Springs State Park, near the New York-Pennsylvania border.

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作为大约一万人的家园,盐泉岛是加拿大高尔夫群岛中最大的一座岛。Home to about 10,000 people, Salt Spring is the largest of Canadas Gulf Islands.

20世纪70年代,不想服役于越南战争的美国人到达盐泉岛并定居下来。In the 1970's, Americans avoiding service in the Vietnam War arrived and put down roots.

加拿大人一直以来都将盐泉岛敬为古怪的人和创造力的原始的庇护所。Canadians have long revered SaltSpring as a pristine refuge for the eccentric and creative.

三峡地区,盐泉资源得天独厚,泉盐生产历史悠久。In the region of Three Gorges, resource of salt spring was very rich and its history of salt production was very long.

三峡地区,盐泉资源得天独厚,泉盐生产历史悠久。Rich spring salt resources in Three-Gorge region are generously endowed by Nature, and have a long history in production.

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根据事物发展的规律,井盐生产之前还有一段漫长的被历史尘封而鲜为人知的自然盐泉采集和生产史。Acording to the rule of thing, there was still a long history of gathering brine, that was ignored by man, before well salt production.

根据水质划分,温泉一般分为中性碳酸泉、碱性碳酸氢钠泉、盐泉和硫磺泉四种。Classified according to chemical nature of water, hotspring can be divided into neutral carbonated spring, alkali bicarbonates spring, brine spring and sulfur spring.

蒲江境内穿井鼓盐历史悠久,早在商周时期,古代先民就开始利用自然盐泉,至西汉时已开凿出数量众多的大口径盐井。Pujiang is with a long history of well digging and salt making. As early as the period of Shang and Zhou Dynasty, the ancient people drew brine making use of natural salt spring.