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我是一团灰尘。I'm a cloud of dust.

吸沙发下的灰尘?Vacuum under the sofa?

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他把灰尘扫走了。He swept the dust away.

你的车真的积满了灰尘。Your car sure is dusty.

拂去梳妆台的灰尘。Dust the dressing table.

阵雨涤荡了空中飞扬的灰尘。The shower laid the dust.

灰尘吹入了我的双眼。The dust blew into my eyes.

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窗帘上容易积上灰尘。Curtains are dust collectors.

他掸掉家具上的灰尘。He dusted down the furniture.

我吹掉书上的灰尘。I blew the dust off the book.

空气中透着干燥和一种灰尘的味。The air smells dry and dusty.

一点灰尘也没有。There is not a speck of dust.

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他吹掉书上的灰尘。He blew the dust off the book.

雨把灰尘变成了湿泥。The rain turned dust into mud.

先用吸尘器将地毯灰尘吸净。Clean dust with vacuum cleaner.

灰尘从裂缝中吹进来。Dust blew in through the cracks.

我在伯亚弗拉滚于灰尘之中。In Beth Ophrah roll in the dust.

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他在给化妆台掸去灰尘吗?。Is he dusting the dressing table?

她刷去我衣服上的灰尘。She brushed the dirt off my coat.

她给我刷掉外套上的灰尘。She brushed the dust off my coat.