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怯弱是通向消沉的桥。Timidity is the bridge to dejection.

我们不敢以怯弱来引诱他们。We dare not tempt them with weakness.

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是的,你很美丽,怯弱,娇柔。Yes, you're beautiful, fearful, fragile.

怯弱囚禁灵魂,希望还你自由。Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free.

我从小胆小怯弱,长大了,仍是一个胆怯的年轻人。I was a nervous child, and when I grew, I was a nervous young man.

有思想的人,勇锐超过怯弱,进取压倒。People with thought are brave rather than cowardly, aggressive rather than submissive.

它使我从病痛中振作,怯弱生勇,改造我的性格。It has braced me up from the suffering of ailments, turning what is cowardly in me into courage.

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我迷茫,但是我从不逃避现实。我怯弱,但在必要时我会拿出足够的勇气。I lost, but I never escape from reality. I timid, but when necessary I would come up with enough courage.

在一切形式的彻头彻尾的虚假中,在我看来维多利亚时代的乐观主义是最怯弱的也是最有害的。Of all forms of arrant untruthfulness victorian optimism appears to me to have been the most cowardly and the most damaging.

这就是我们的道路,最为简单易行,只需要我们重新审阅内在的、已经植根于我们天性之中的怯弱就行了。This is our path, the easiest and most accessible one, which takes into account out inherent cowardice, already well rooted.

马白夫先生喜欢马吕斯,是因为马吕斯年少温存,能使他在衰年感到温暖而又不使他那怯弱的心情受惊扰。M. Mabeuf had taken a fancy to Marius, because Marius, being young and gentle, warmed his age without startling his timidity.

这些律师,这个陪审团,这个随波逐流的推事,这些命运的暗算都没有从根本上使他觉得不安,或者自卑或者怯弱。These lawyers, this jury, this straw-and-water judge, these machinations of fate, did not basically disturb or humble or weaken him.

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外表酷酷的她实际上是个不善言辞的女孩,为了掩饰自己还经常以毒舌来掩盖自己的怯弱。Looks cool, she is actually a ineloquent girl, in order to cover up their own tongue, often with drugs to cover up their own cowardly.

杂志和电视的确让我们更在意外表美,但其反复玩捏的不过是我们的种种不安心理,而这些怯弱感时早已存在的。While magazines and television certainly heighten our consciousness of looks, they are merely harping on insecurities that already exist.

只要相信自己能蜕变成美丽的蝴蝶,不管禁锢自己的是怯弱还是恐惧,毛毛虫都必须克服。Whether it is through a weakness or fear, a caterpillar must break free from what is holding him back by realizing he can become a butterfly.

我们必须清楚地意识到,我们长大了,我们即将告别小学,人生之路坎坷不平,怯弱者停步不前,勇敢者永不退缩。We must be clearly aware that we grow up, we say goodbye to elementary school, bumpy road of life, the cowardly isn't succeeding, brave never quit.

青春气贯长虹,勇锐盖过怯弱,进去压倒苟安,如此锐气,二十后生有之,六旬男子则更多见。Youth means the predominance of courage over timidity, of adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty.

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而在基督教的国家里,宗教使得君王不那么怯弱,因而他们也就不那么残忍。While the Mahometan princes incessantly give or receive death, the religion of the Christians renders their princes less timid, and consequently less cruel.

勤奋不故意拖延,忍耐不顾忌怯弱,勇敢不过度自责,放下不计较得失。Work diligently and do not procrastinate. Be patient though you may be thought cowardly. Be brave and do not blame yourself too much. Be detached and surrender gain and loss.

很多应届毕业生由于第一次求职,心生怯弱,面对面试官问的各种问题,总不知道如何回答,结果面试就这样在你慌张的话语中给黄了。Many graduates as first job, heart weakness, face the interviewer asked various questions, do not know how to answer, the results of the interviews so in your words to yellow.