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我们还没有合为一体。We haven't Xed yet.

你和神是一体的。You and God are one.

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它们不可能是一体的They cannot be identical.

其一,这一体系是多领域、全方位的。First, it is comprehensive.

它的意义就在这一体性内。Its meaning lies in oneness.

世界将联成一体。And the world will be as one.

法则和执法者是一体的。Law and the law-giver are one.

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世界将会成为一体!And the world will lieve as one!

亚洲是一体的——无论是好还是坏。Asia is one—for good and for ill.

出料段一体组合。Discharging one of the portfolio.

我认为二者会融合成一体。I think they are merging into one.

若要离开这一体系,你必须加上速度。To get out of it, you must add them.

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神圣母亲和梵天是一体。The Divine Mother and Brahman are one.

我们需要为将来调整这一体系。We need to adjust that for the future.

世界各地早已联成一体。In this case, the world has become one.

火焰结为一体,无人能够分离。What fire joins, none may put 'asunder.

这是一个单身汉垫和发挥笔于一体。It's a bachelor pad and play pen in one.

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觉醒者看到所有个体都是一体。The Awakened One sees the many as the One.

后来印度教的三神一体。The triad of divinities of later hinduism.

我们所建立的这一体系将使他们面临失败。We have created a system for them to fail.