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赫敏咽了口唾沫。Hermione swallowed.

托德向休啐了一口唾沫。Todd spat in Hugh's face.

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他往那人脸上啐唾沫。He spat in the man's face.

说话的时候,别把唾沫星子喷出来。Don't sputter when you speak.

“他朝你吐唾沫。”哈利说。"He spat at you, " said Harry.

你是在浪费我的唾沫罢了!You're a waste of my very spittle!

围观者们齐向这个小偷身上吐唾沫。The on-lookers all spat on the thief.

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他正满嘴唾沫,那唾沫便是那个字了。His mouth froths , and the froth is the word.

但是,在比赛中间一口唾沫都不吐,这可能么?But is it even possible not to spit during a match?

他唾沫星子乱飞,激动地在说着什么。He spluttered and excitedly talked about something.

而中国人却并不买他的帐,迎接他的永远是唾沫,咒骂,更有甚者甚至当街朝他扔石块。Daily he was spit upon, cursed, stoned in the street.

我艰难地吞咽了一口唾沫,我尝到一种胆汁的味道。I swallowed hard, a taste of bile invading my senses.

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我踩着世界之巅,别试图冲我吐唾沫。I'm on the top of the world, don't even tryna spit me.

恐惧的人们让你却成为了唾沫的对象。People fear you have become the object of the spittle.

他被暴打,被人往身上吐唾沫,被强迫戴上高帽。He is beaten, spit upon and forced to wear a dunce cap.

婴儿的唾沫和草莓奶昔的颜色完全不同。Baby spit-up and milkshake are completely different colors.

在我还没工夫往掌上吐一口唾沫之前,他已经把那件工作做完了。Before I had time to spit in my hands, he finished the work.

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这样有助于抑制病毒感染的唾沫飞散。This helps contain the mucus droplets infected with the virus.

在我还没工夫往掌上吐唾沫之前,他已经把那件工作做完了。Before I have time to spit in my hand he has got that job done.

杰克艰难地咽下一口唾沫,看着黑色奔驰车绝尘而去。Jack swallowed hard as he watched the black Mercedes speed away.