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他不能说明这个差数问题。He could not account for the discrepancy.

据显示,政府以最微弱的优势领先。差数,余地,余裕。It is shown that the government is leading by the narrowest of margins.

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试计算红粉笔和黄粉笔的差数。Calculate the difference between the number of red chalks and white chalks.

指资本资产的销售价格与购买价格之间的差数。The difference between the sales price and the purchase price of a capital asset.

在观测木星的时候,我发现它的折射差数造成的效果要比CA的大,而且大很多。I found the effects of differential refraction to be more profound on Jupiter than the CA.

给出了数阵的加法、数乘和乘法定义,并给出高阶等差数阵和周期数阵的运算性质。And discuss the properties of high order arithmetical infinite matrix and periodic infinite matrix.

尽管态势乐观,英特尔在利润差数未达到目标的事实缓和了华尔街分析家的热情。Despite its optimism, Intel's missing its target on profit margins tempered Wall Street analysts' enthusiasm.

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在脊柱病症的治疗方面缺乏可接纳的方式根据,这需要选择差数来对护理质量作出评价。The absence of accepted evidence-based approaches to the management of spinal disorders makes the choice of parameters to measure for quality difficult.

平均差数据资料被用来报道将标准的口腔食道镜检查界标测量转化为从鼻腔的标准界标测量。Mean difference data were applied to reported standard oral esophagoscopy landmark measurements to convert to standard landmark measurements from the nares.

通过介绍GPS定位技术在辽河海南3井区的施测应用情况,分析了GPS网布设和基线解算及网平差数据处理等过程,并对数据处理过程中容易产生的问题提出了相应的解决办法。This paper introduces application of GPS fixing technology in Liaohe well block Hainan 3, analyzes GPS layout, baseline resolving and processing of net adjusted data.

本文叙述了测绘数据处理中平差数据组织、条件方程式建立和粗差分析三个关键工序自动化处理的程序设计思路。The program design clue is mentioned of three key automating procedure which include adjustment data composition, founding of condition equation and analysis of grass error.

问题在于几乎所有的预测都作用在高斯钟形曲线参数下,忽视了大的偏差数,导致了“黑天鹅”的被遗忘。The problem is that almost all forecasters work within the parameters of the Gaussian bell curve, which ignores large deviations and thus fails to take account of "Black Swans ".