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婚礼上的来宾。Guests at the wedding.

来宾可以看样定货。Visitors can trade on samples.

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大会议程首先是向来宾致欢迎辞。I have to begin with an apology.

一张桌可坐10位来宾。Tables are made up of 10 guests.

他站起来代表来宾致答词。He stood up to reply for the guests.

来宾到时,把他引上楼来。When the guest arrives, bring him up.

她死力劝讲来宾梅速呆一会女。She pressed her guests to stay longer.

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尊敬的班耐特先生和各位来宾。Mr Barnett and all the guests of honour.

大卫琼斯站起来代表来宾致答辞。David Jones rose to reply for the guests.

让我们向来宾三次欢呼。Let's give three cheers for the visitors.

请在来宾簿上签个名好吗?Would you please sign our visitors' book?

各位使节及使团同事,各位来宾,女士们,先生们Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen

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所有来宾都准时出席了会议。All the guests were on time at the meeting.

向来宾赠送了厚礼。Lavish gifts were bestowed on the visitors.

举杯向来宾们敬酒。The chairman proposed a toast to the guests.

主人以次给来宾斟酒。The host filled the guests' glasses in turn.

这就是陶花园今天的大来宾…谭咏麟!This is our very special guest today, Alan Tam!

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来宾在签到薄上签名。Guests signed their names on the attendance book.

中国总是给来宾敬茶。Chinese people always offer their guests some tea.

他们热烈鼓掌欢迎朝鲜来宾。They welcome the Korean guests with warm applause.