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念想中的美好,有时候恍若失却了真实。The goodness in memory, sometimes seems to lost its truth.

巡游于此恍若漫步于大自然的艺术画廊,美不胜收。To cruise here is like wandering in a natural art gallery.

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穿越季节的更迭,恍若一场梦醒。Through the seasons change, reminding us of scenes in a wake.

这个人打扮与众姑娘不同,彩绣辉煌,恍若神妃仙子。Unlike the girls, she wAS richly dressed and resplendent AS a fairy.

尼罗河的渔民在清晨金色的轻雾中辛勤劳作,观者恍若置身幻境。Like a mirage, fishermen work the river in the golden mists of early morning.

走走停停,累了,才收现自己恍若拾失了一样东西,难以适应。Walk off, tired, just discover oneself pass lost something, difficult to adapt.

节奏和身体在黑暗的空间中交错,破空的声音恍若隔世的低吟。Rhythm and body staggered in a dark space, sounds like an elusive chant from centuries ago.

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套间的设计会让你恍若真的在室外露营。Suits are decorated in such way that you’ll get the feeling you’re actually camping outside.

你的眼睛是黑郁金香,某种美丽又陌生的东西,如此稀奇,恍若隔世。Your eyes are black tulips, something beautiful and strange, something so rare, so unlikely.

遭到这恍若幻觉的突然打击,她觉得头晕眼花,虚弱无力。She felt faint, assailed as she was by the sudden suspicion that everything she saw was unreal.

零下一度的微寒,再一次勾勒出我恍若故事且又不成文的一切。The small cold, minus once again outline I pass stories and again the unwritten rules of everything.

多年之后,我不记得那些稚嫩的旋律,惟有这句话里的冷暖近年恍若往昔。Years later, I don't remember those childish melody, but this sentence changes in recent years old so.

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大地和天空都在闪闪发光,蕨草丛恍若别在银色大地上的旭日钻石胸针。Earth and heavens glitter, and the sword-fern clumps are diamond sunbursts pinned to the silver-sequined ground.

其荒莽无文,恍若白垩纪侏罗纪的一只大爬虫。The primitive and uncivilized nature of my life made me feel like a giant reptile during the Cretaceous or Jurassic periods.

自身已凝结,其成块的柏油散乱在海滩上,恍若荒废战场上的炮弹。It has congealed upon itself, littering the beach with globes of tar that resemble the cannonballs of a deserted battlefield.

炎烬恍若没有听到他的声音,转身脚不停滞的朝着他们的房间走去。The flaming Jin namely feel favor don't listen his voice, rotate round feet don't be held up of walk toward their apartments.

心痛吞噬凌乱的思绪无限延伸,忧伤恍若幽灵般攀附着寂寞如影随行。Painful swallowing messy thoughts unlimited extension of sadness reminding us of scenes like clings to the lonely ghost lurking.

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走在昏暗的路灯下,夹杂着细雨的冷风让我情不自禁裹紧了外套,然后双手环抱自己,恍若寒冬。Walk in the dark street, with rain and let me be overcome by one's feelings wind wrapped in a coat, and then hands her, like winter.

天上繁星点点,恍若清澈宁静的湖面上漂浮着朵朵洁白的小百合。He raised his mournful eyes towards the deep-blue sky, where the stars were floating like white lilies on the surface of a clear, calm lake.

似一泓清澈的流泉,于心湖缓缓荡漾,一些时光的碎影,恍若历历眼前。Water Flowing Down like Yihong clear, gently rippling lake in mind, a number of times the broken shadow, reminding us of scenes distinctly eyes.