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对小麦造成侵袭的一种铁锈菌。Rust fungus that attacks wheat.

这铁管上有鳞状般的铁锈。This iron pipe is scaly with rust.

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可口可乐是铁锈的“天敌”。Coca Cola is an excellent rust buster.

这就是在文化上等价于铁锈的东西。This is the cultural equivalent of rust.

幼枝具紧密的铁锈色的鳞片。Young branches with dense ferruginous scales.

这些工具如长期不用会长铁锈而损坏。The tools will corrode with rust if never used.

不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous.

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主题墙以青石铁锈板呈不规则摆放。Thematic wall with bluestone ferruginous board show irregular put.

空压机排出的铁锈水不要流到砖面上。Air compressor of eduction rust water flow to the brick surface don't.

用钢丝球和去污粉可以很容易地清洗掉刀刃上的铁锈。Tarnished blades are cleaned easily with steel wool and scouring powder.

黑色可能有混有铁锈色或少量的白色、银色毛发。Blacks may have a rusty cast or a few white or silver hairs mixed with the black.

经过进一步的挖掘,在附近又发现了两把表面附著有沙尘和铁锈的剑。Further excavations nearby unearthed two more swords, encrusted with sand and rust.

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由于可乐的化学特性有助于分解铁锈颗粒,从而清洗起来更加容易。The properties of coke help to break down the rust particles, making cleaning much easier.

常见铁矿,都为铁氧化物,大多呈暗灰色、亮黄色、深紫色或铁锈色。Common iron ore, iron oxides are mostly dark gray, bright yellow, deep purple or rust color.

用喷砂或其他电动工具除去铁锈、氧化皮等。Remove rust, mill-scale and other loose material by abrasive blasting or power tool cleaning.

可能是铁锈和海洋生物损坏了这艘船,船长的指挥舱也已经倒塌了。There was damage likely caused by rust and sea life, and the captain's captain had collapsed.

焊前须将焊件表面的油污及铁锈清理干净,选择适宜的焊接规范。Cleaning the oil stain rust of the welding surface befe welding, choosing suitable welding stard.

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这个想法只是很多想使本国的铁锈地带走出长期工业减退状态的方法之一。That idea is just one of many to get the nation's Rust Belt out of its long slow industrial decline.

适用于磁砖、赛克等外墙清洁,对长期存留在外墙表面上的铁锈、垢、色水流印的清除有显著功效。Excellent cleansing effects on tiles and mosaic, especially to lod stains, rust and black water seal.

能清除水箱,水套,暖风散热器中的水碱,铁锈及油腻。It can clear up the thermonatrite, rust and oil in water tanks, water jackets and warm wind radiators.