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下入葱花,炒匀即可。The green Onions, stir-fry.

关火出锅,在盘子里的时候上面撒一层葱花。And the pot, heat in the dish and a layer on time.

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再撒上葱花和剩下的奶酪。Sprinkle with the green onions and remaining cheese.

把炒锅烧热,放入油和葱花。Heat the wok and put in the oil and chopped Chinese onions.

我是1002房,给我送一份牛肉粒,葱花炒饭。The room is 1002 give me a portion of fried rice with meat only.

花4块5角钱,买4个洒满葱花的油嫩生煎馒头。RMB 4.5 gets you four fried, greasy, and scallionscattered dumplings.

葱花,香菜,酱菜,腐乳,花生,腌萝卜皮。Marinated vegetable, Marinated bean cube, Peanut, Marinated radish peel.

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在表面上抹油,撒上葱花和适量的盐。Rub oil all over the surface of the dough, sprinkle with scallions and salt.

它个子虽小,形态却十分饱满,上面还撒有芝麻和葱花。It looks small, but it is full in shape with sesame and chopped scallion pieces.

在生菜叶上平均放上馅料,再洒上葱花作装饰即成。Divide the filling on the lettuce, sprinkle chopped green onion to garnish. Serve.

关掉火,洒入花椒油,花椒面和一半的葱花。Turn off heatsprinkle with chili oil, Szechuan chili powder , to taste, half scallion.

洒入葱花,淋上生抽麻油即可食用。Sprinkle with the chopped spring onions and drizzle in light soya sauce and sesame oil.

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木兰就作料,有咸盐、味精、辣椒油和葱花就蛮好。Mulan on condiments, originates, monosodium glutamate, pepper oil and mustard on the fine.

葱花,香菜,酱菜,腐乳,花生,腌萝卜皮。Chives, Corianders, Marinated vegetable, Marinated bean cube, Peanut, Marinated radish peel.

再弄碎的鸡蛋里加入盐,黑胡椒,蛋黄酱,葱花和香菜花,拌匀。Add salt, black pepper, Mayo, green onion and cilantro into the egg misture and combine well.

将雪好的肉饼以大火蒸约10至12分钟即可食用,饰以葱花。Steam the patty over high heat for 10-12minutes, garnish with chopped green onion, serve hot.

河虾、姜末、葱花、绍酒、精盐、味精、糖、精制油。River shrimp, ginger powder, chopped scallion, rice wine, refined salt, MSG, sugar, refined oil.

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入适量蛋液,洒上葱花和芝麻粒稍煎1-2分钟。Pour some egg over, sprinkle chopped scallions and sesame seeds. Cook the batter for 1-2 minutes.

食用时用小碗装羊肉汤,撒上葱花。吃肉喝汤,日食二次。Serve in small bowl with sprinkled scallion shreds. Eat the mutton and drink the soup twice daily.

如果在吃前,再加入蒜泥、葱花等调味品,吃起来就更有味道。If you eat before, and then adding garlic, green onion and other spices, to eat up even more flavor.