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我也交给他们一个在世上的使命。I give them a mission in the world.

也可在世卫组织网页上读取。It is also available on the WHO website.

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若然他现在还在世的话,也已经三十五岁了。If he were alive, he would be thirty five.

所有在世的人儿啊,请留心倾听我的言语。So heed, here, when you awaken, what Isay.

霍尔四姐妹中还有两个在世。Two of the four Hall sisters are still alive.

你最钦佩的在世的艺术家是哪一位?Which other living artists do you most admire?

我们足够谦逊恭顺以至于在世间为人。We are humble enough to be human in this world.

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要是狄俄尼索斯在世多好!他会在哪儿用餐呢?If only Dionysus were alive! Where would he eat?

她在世时穆罕默德没有再娶。Muhammad took no other wife while she was alive.

在世间的东方,中产阶级每天都在增长。The middle class in the Eastern world grows daily.

安藤忠雄也是世界上最伟大的在世的建筑大师。Tadao Ando is the world 's greatest living architect.

格哈德·里希特是世界上在世的画家中最重要的。GERHARD RICHTER is the world's foremost living painter.

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记者将在世卫组织图书馆有一个工作区。Journalists will have a working space in the WHO Library.

基督在世上的生活中已经开始祂代祷的职事。In His life on earth Christ began His work as Intercessor.

即使华佗在世也救不了他。Nobody could save him even though Hua Tuo should come here.

她现在已经死了,却仍为很多在世的人所惦记。She is dead now herself, but many still living remember her.

突然间地把将你束缚在世上的枷锁折成两半。Which snaps in twain the shackles that bind you to the world.

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因为大家都知道梵高在世时作品乏人问津。Because, of course, everybody knows he couldn't sell his work.

我在世寄居,素来以你的律例为诗歌。Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.

我们是神在世上的使者,传扬他的爱与目的。We are the messengers of God's love and purposes to the world.