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我必须要住院吗?Should I be hospitalize?

住院医期间没有胜者或败者。There are no winners or losers.

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您应当竝刻住院。You must be hospitalized right away.

患者是一名8岁男孩,他正在住院治疗,病情稳定。He is hospitalized in stable condition.

杰克骑车摔伤,得住院治疗。Jack fell off his bicycle and got hurt.

该系统可适用住院病人和门诊部病人具有高度的融合性。It is an in-patient and outpatient system.

您办完住院手续了吗?Have you completed the admission procedures?

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你办完住院手续了吗?Have you completed the admitting procedures?

她反复几次住院,我们就认识了。I knew her from her repeated hospital stays.

史密斯夫人病重已住院。Mrs Smith seriously ill already hospitalize.

我需要住院治疗吗?若是需要,得住多久?Will I be hospitalized? If so, for how long?

当然啦。它可以付清你所有的住院费用。Sure. This will cover all your hospital bills.

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她得住院治疗一个时期。She should be hospitalized for a period of time.

明天我们要去探望住院病人。We'll go to visit the sick in hospital tomorrow.

医生建议让小孩住院。The doctor advised hospitalization for the child.

平均住院日缩短72小时。The average hospitalization time reduces 72.0hour.

我在住院治疗这段时间里的目标是什么?What is the goal for my time in inpatient therapy?

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目前她仍在住院,情况良好。She remains hospitalized in satisfactory condition.

亨利在住院,你暂代他一下好吗?Could you fill in for Henry while he is in hospital?

周母为此焦虑,摔倒住院。Weeks mother for this anxiety, fall in the hospital.