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民主制度保障言论自由、闻自由和结社自由。The flag stands for freedom and democracy.

禁止民间组织,禁止结社自由。Ban citizen's groups. Deny the freedom of society.

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结社自由是政党专制或大人物专权的克星。Freedom of association is regarded as a threat by dictators.

集会与结社自由同样适用于网络空间。The freedoms to assemble and associate also apply in cyberspace.

第二方面,是人民的言论、集会、结社自由。The second matter concerns freedom of speech, assembly and association for the people.

最后是开放言论、出版、集会、和结社等四大自由。Finally, we come to the four freedoms of speech, publication, assembly and association.

首先,研究结社自由就有必要对结社自由的法理基础进行探讨。Firstly, an analysis on the jurisprudent basis of the freedom of association is necessary.

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南拳拳种之一。俗称洪拳,系清代民间秘密结社洪门假托少林所传习的一种拳术。One of the southern style boxing. Commonly known as Hung boxing, appeared in Qing dynasty.

各政党和选民没有言论集会和结社自由。Political parties and voters have no freedom of speech, assembly and association in society.

保障言论、集会和结社自由可支援这种参与。This participation is supported by ensuring freedom of expression, assembly and association.

肃宁县“四个覆盖”政策将农民因不同职能组织起来,体现了结社的特征。The policy of"Four-Covers"of Su'ning county organized a lot of farmers by different functions.

你们毕竟是思想、言论、集会、结社等自由的捍卫者。After all, you are upholders of freedom of thought, expression, assembly, association, and so on.

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宪法规定的公民言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由得到维护和保障。Freedom of speech, of the press, assembly, association, marching and demonstration is guaranteed.

而结社自由从其性质来讲,是一种特殊的政治权利,它既具有公权利的性质又具有私权利的性质。Essentially, it is a special political right with a combination of public right and private right.

结社我的肺被拿出来,把约翰斯的肺放进去,我接受了肺移植,那还是我。Suppose we rip out my lungs, and put in Johns' lungs, I've gotten a lung transplant, it's still me.

政府继续拒绝接受国际公认的劳工权利,包括结社自由。The Government continued to deny internationally recognized worker rights, including freedom of association.

我们已一再要求俄罗斯领导人继续保障结社自由。We continue to hope that the Russian leadership will ensure that such freedom of association remains secure.

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台阁体、台阁雅集与文人结社有着互动的关系。The Tai Ge stytle, Tai Ge Standard Collections and The Society of Scholars have the mutual dynamic relationship.

结社权利在法国迟迟得不到立法的确认,在很大程度上是因为一种反中间团体的公意政治文化的长期存在。The right of association was slowly established in France because there was a kind of political culture of generality.

在美国,对于非营利组织而言,表达自由远比结社自由更为重要。In United States, freedom of expression has been more important than freedom of association to nonprofit organizations.